Defending Connie Pt.4

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"I need your help."

Aaron wiped the back of his hand across his brow looking at Connie with a bit of questioning concern at her anxious state.

"Yeah, yeah" he nodded,"what's going on?" He spoke, watching her sign swiftly and firm.

"Daryl. He's in trouble."

His brows furrowed," what happened?" Aaron felt his heart drop. Daryl wasn't ever in trouble and if he was, he always got out. Having Connie run up to him while he was on a walk with Gracie told him something wasn't right from the get go.

"Follow me."

He nodded. Straightening himself up, he glanced at Gracie who seemed to understand the situation and nodded back at him.

"I know, Dad. Go inside and stay with Aunt Rosita."

He smiled. "Always a step ahead of me." Letting go of her hand, he watched his daughter run up the porch of their home until she was inside, door closing behind her before turning back to Connie and speaking.

"Show me."

•Council Office•

"There's gasoline soaking the area his bike had been parked. It doesn't seem like a normal leak- somebody did this. Somebody planned it."

"And the people whom you guys believe were behind this planned leak are said to be David and Matteo. Correct?" Gabriel crossed his arms from his chair, switching his gaze between a defensive Aaron and Connie.

"Look." Aaron sighed giving a light shake of his head, glancing at Connie. "I know it seems dubious to have those two pinned as suspect, I do, but it's not just the leak that has their name written all over it, but everything else that has followed up from what those guys have done."

That tad bit of information seemed to spark an interest in the preacher when his eye brow rose and his arms uncrossed to fold his hands on the table before him while sitting straighter.

"What have they been doing previous to this?"

Aaron bit his tongue. It wasn't his place to speak on the behalf of Daryl. He hadn't known the men were taunting his friend over their time spent here. Connie was the one to speak on his happening, not him. He wouldn't have known of such things if Connie hadn't told him just a few minutes after inspecting the gasoline spill.

Turning his head, he'd seen Connie take a breath. Eyes meeting with his for a brief second before she gave a nod. Confirming she would take it from there. The entire council had their eyes on her now.

"David and Matteo have been poking at him. Daryl can handle himself.." Connie assured with a light nod before giving a shake of her head," but he shouldn't have to."

Sweat dripped from his nose and drenched his clothes as he finally saw the gates of Alexandria come into view. A huge relief was felt lifting off his weary shoulders. He'd been walking nonstop with his heavy ass bike in tow.

Sweating since his bike ran out of fuel, his walk back was just peachy. His sleeves were rolled up and his hair stuck to his forehead in thin dark strings. He had took a few pit stops along the way, kicking his bike stand to a stop while he walked under some shaded trees and took a swig of whatever water was left in his canteen.

His knees were shredded and his feet throbbed. Every step had been painful and ached over and over the longer he stood walking around. It was bearable, but painful. Plopping down against the back of a tree, he'd caught his breath. Wiping a hand across his glistening forehead and closing his eyes, he took a well needed breather. Taking a moment before getting back onto the hot road to continue his hefty strides while towing his hunk of metal.

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