You Make Me Warm

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It was quite a chilly night as the months came closer to the winter. The air would freeze along with a chilling breeze that could jolt anyone who was keeping watch awake from slumber. Bonfires were usually a nightly routine for the community to get together, warming up and talking to one another.

Everything was in harmony. People were heard laughing and chatting through the night. The sound of fires crackling and fresh aroma of soup being made just above a fire gave off the feeling of winter. The nights temperature seemed to drop and everyone bundled up, but there hadn't been any snow fall just yet. Not until two weeks from now.

Walking with dog by his side, Daryl gave a nod to a few passing folks who were bundled up in there own comfy jackets and winter gear. He was looking for Connie. As he made his way towards the bonfire the faint sound of a musical instrument was heard from the distance. The strumming was slow and bonfire appropriate. Even from a distance Daryl could see  how content the community was just from the sounds of chatting and light hearted laughs echoing throughout the cold night air.

He was late.

He'd told Connie earlier he'd be back from scouting, but he ended up finding himself in his old camp, sitting back against a tree just thinking. Everything seemed to overwhelm him lately and he needed the time for himself to just breathe and be alone for a few hours. Though time seemed to pass by as he spent his time alone reminiscing. He got a little hungry and went to hunt for some squirrel.

Going back to his roots on how things use to be, he found himself lost in thought about how lonesome he actually felt while he gutted open his squirrel on an old, leveled stump. Munching on some squirrel liver that would stain his fingers red, he was so caught up in his old ways, he hadn't realized the sun had already began to set until dog barked.

He'd cursed once he'd looked up and realized what time it had been, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, he abandoned his squirrel and made his way back onto his trail, remembering who he had made a promise to.

When he'd made his way to the gates and inside, he'd seen Connie's group by the light of the fire sitting on the logs together. Luke was standing, strumming on a small guitar, Magna was laying her head across Yumiko's lap and Kelly had been sitting next to the woman he'd made his promise to..

A guilt rose within him. He hadn't been late on purpose, he'd just lost track of time in the woods. Eyes still on the group, his gut had wrenched when the sound of the gates had closed acknowledging his visit, Kelly had turned.

Eyes making contact from a long distant stare down, his eyes had dropped from hers. Knowing Kelly wasn't going to be ecstatic from his timing, Daryl had a thought. A thought he hoped would make things okay.

So ever since his presence had been acknowledged, he'd made his way to his place, grabbed a blanket from his bed and walked his way towards the bonfire. He knew it would make him a couple minutes more late, but it was something he thought she'd needed from seeing her in such a small jacket.

Nearing the group, he felt a wave of insecurity wash over him. He was use to how people thought about him and it didn't bother, but this was different. Different because this was Connie's family and to him it mattered on how Kelly saw him. Adjusting the strap across his chest from his bow the first to notice his appearance was Luke who had turned his head to the sound of boots walking into the grass.

Ducking his head, his eyes briefly fell to the ground before raising back up to land on Connie's back. Seeing Kelly turn her head, the younger woman's eyes narrowed.

"Hey.." He nodded at her voice low and gruff as she eyed him as if searching him for any flaws. Instinctively, he fidgeted, raising his thumbnail to his mouth before withdrawing when Kelly gave Connie a tap to her shoulder and pointed to her side.

Daryl was ready for his outcome. Standing with his blanket in hand her eyes met with his. Only she surprised him further when she launched up from her spot next to Kelly and lunged herself into his arms. It took a second to realize what she'd just done until his arms embraced her back. Hugging her, she felt warm against his body, fitting into his arms perfectly, he noticed her arms were squeezing him pretty tight as if she'd missed him.

He gave her a comforting squeeze before withdrawing in arms reach and looking into her concerned eyes. Her browns held a worried glint in them as she sighed,

"You okay?" She asked, eyes darting over his face as he gave her a nod though she seemed to know it was more than just that.

"What happened out there?" She signed with a questioning look, searching his eyes that briefly fell to the floor before reaching back to hers.

"Lost track of time." He assured though she was quick to sign back as if she'd known what she was about to say ahead of time.

"You've been distracted lately" without response, he only looked into her eyes knowingly. She knew him too well, so hiding from the truth wouldn't work. Though a feeling of being watched over took him causing his eyes to look behind her and see the group watching with curious looks written on their faces. He was self conscious now. Shifting his footing, a gentle tap to his shoulder brought his attention back to Connie who gave him a comforting look.

"I'm sorry.." he signed, speaking softly just before the feeling of her gloved hand was felt grabbing his, intertwining their fingers, she gave him an understanding smile.

"It's fine. Talk later?"

He nodded. Hearing dog bark in excitement from beside him caused Connie's hand to slip out of his as she kneeled for the mutt to give her kisses and cuddles to her chest. Watching dog get his loving affection, Daryl remembered he'd been holding his blanket. Forgetting all about it once Connie had stolen his attention with that hug, he realized its importance and gave her a tap on her shoulder causing her eyes to meet his.

"I got you somethin." Opening the cotton felt blanket the smile on her face grew into a grin. Standing up from her knelt position, he avoided her gaze when he felt his cheeks warm while he took a step beside her and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.

Taking a step back, she looked complete now. With her grey beanie and gloved fingers holding onto the blanket that draped around her shoulders, she looked comfy. A grateful smile on her lips, she signed a sincere thank you before withdrawing one of her hands to hold his cold one.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze along with a brief smile. He knew for the moment they'd enjoy themselves. Live in the moment and cherish time together with the others before they would call it a night and talk in private in their room. He had been distracted lately and it was because of  them. He was so use to being alone that when it came Connie, he wanted to be the best he could be and sometimes he felt as if he couldn't even be that.

"Hey, love birds" Came Luke's voice, interrupting their moment and his thoughts. Looking over towards the man who held the small guitar, waving over," Come grab some soup and have a seat. I've got a song I want to play for my audience here, but it's not complete unless you join."

With a smile from the man, Dog barked seeming anxious at the gracious offer as he trotted towards the man who gave his dark mane a loving pet. Feeling a heat rise to his cheeks from the given nickname Luke called to them as, Daryl looked over to Connie for his answer. Seeing her sweet smile and nod towards their saved seats, he couldn't help but smile back before she brought him along to join.

As the night went on and the chill of the air went through his poncho, Daryl wasn't so cold. As long as Connie stayed tucked by his side, he was warm. He'd always be.

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