Defending Connie Pt.1

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In the midst of Alexandria's greenery, Connie walked each row of crops with a clip board in hand and a pen in the other. Examining each tomato and green bean stalk she walked upon while checking off on their quality.

It was early in the morning and she'd been doing her daily job of checking on the crops to make sure they were free of any pest or had any problems. She came across maybe a few out of the hundreds that were wilted and not well, but it wasn't anything serious. Just a couple of crows had gotten to those plants, so she made sure to write a note at the top of her list that they'd needed a couple more scarecrows on the north side of the fields.

Checking the last of the green bean plants, she wrote a check in the box. Assuring she'd went through the entire field, she lifted the edge of her paper and looked back at the sheets under to make sure everything was crossed off and checked for the day. Everything seemed alright though as she examined her paper, she'd felt a pair of eyes on her that caused her to consciously look up.

Taking a quick glance around, she'd caught not just a pair of eyes, but two as she'd seen two men standing around at a picnic table under a tree looking her way with grins on their faces. She'd never seen them before. Seeming up to no good from their body language, she returned her eyes back to her clipboard. Feeling a wave of insecurity kick in from the way they'd been looking at her as if they'd been up to something.

Taking in a deep breathe and exhaling to loosen up her nerves, she rose her head. Squinting in the bright sunlight she'd had no choice, but to walk their way in order to leave the field, so she did. Keeping her eyes on the dirt path beneath her feet before making her way out of the field and into the open, she rose her eyes back to the bustling community of Alexandrian's while ignoring the men when she walked by.

She'd felt more relieved once she'd passed them. Feeling a little more secure since she was making her way down the street there was still this pit at the bottom of her stomach that sensed, she wasn't safe yet.

As if she'd already known her fate, her stomach knotted when she'd felt a hand tapping her shoulder quite hastily as to get her attention.

Stopping in her tracks, she turned only to be faced with one of the two men. Looking past the man standing In front of her the second guy was making his way over. Returning her gaze to the man in her space, she witnessed a smirk dance upon his lips, brightening up his sculpted features. He'd had dark stubble glowing on his face to match the color of his cleaned cut hair. He was tall about an inch or two taller than Daryl. He was sporting a navy green short sleeve t-shirt and some roughed up denim jeans. He was built with muscles showing through his shirt and his biceps on display. If Connie had to guess, she'd say that this man had probably been in the military or somewhere in that field for such a muscular physic.

Without knowing she was deaf, he kept a faultless eye contact." Whoa" the man spoke taken aback. His grin never leaving his manly features," You're more beautiful up close."

Connie was confused. Though it was clear that the exchange with the man showed that he was flirting with her. Stuck on how to react, she watched him shake his head and give a humored scoff.

"Sorry, maybe I'm coming off too strong. I tried to get your attention earlier, but you seemed busy over there" he spoke sticking out a hand," I'm David" Connie read from his lips and gave a brief smile. Something still didn't feel right, but she pushed the feeling aside, holding her clipboard in one hand, she stuck out her other and briefly shook his hand.

Withdrawing she rose her hand with another small smile.

"I'm Connie."

Already she could see him pause for a second. A questioning look appearing on his face when his brows furrowed in confusion. She watched as he then turned his head to his friend who finally caught up with them and saw the second man laugh when he gave a glance towards her. Feeling her nerves come back, she felt that pit in her stomach become known once more. Feeling sick at the interaction between the two men. Watching him return his gaze back to hers, she narrowed her eyes at him.

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