A Council Secret

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"Gabriel has everyone been counted?" Michonne asked from her spot behind the desk, watching Gabriel nod," Well then. We can start our meeting today."

Seeing from the hesitant look displayed on Gabriel's face caused her brow to raise in a questioning manner.

"Everyone in this room has been counted, but not all of our council members are here yet." he informed with a tight frown.

"Who's not here?"


Looking around the room that was filled with Alexandrian's chatting up storms, her eyes scanned the room for her friend. From the look of it her eyes weren't lying to her and neither was father Gabriel. If Daryl was here he'd be leaning against the wooden pole nearest to the council table, standing alone and quiet until the meeting would start.

Closing her eyes, Michonne gave a heavy sigh. He'd already missed one meeting this week and he didn't need to miss another especially since this meeting was a public announcement. Not to mention she nagged him this entire afternoon reminding him there was a meeting today and not to be late. Lifting her eyes back to Gabriel who had already been looking at her for answers, she responded.

"Alright" she spoke in a breath," I'll go find him and while I'm gone hold the meeting until I get back. It doesn't start without me."

"And if you can't find him?"

Scooting her chair back, Michonne stood up giving a shrug," Then we'll start without him" she assured, watching him give a confirming nod, though just before she moved to take a step, a voice beside her caused her to stop.

"Don't worry. I'll go look for him."

Turning her head, Michonne's eyes met with Aaron who was already pushing his chair back to stand beside her. With a look of assurance written on his face, she shook her head.

"Aaron, it's fine. You-"

"No, really" he ensured with a nod," knowing Daryl he's probably just busy. Lost track of time. Besides you've done more than enough for us today. Let me help."

With a brief moment of silence Michonne was a little unsure, eyes briefly returning back towards the room that wasn't one chair empty of a person. The echo of everybody talking drowned out her thoughts. Aaron was right. She had done a lot recently and didn't give herself much of a break.

"Okay, but hurry" her eyes found his," Find him and bring him back. He needs to be here for this announcement." With a nod, Aaron brushed past her and towards the door. If Daryl didn't make it to today's meeting Michonne was going to have a little chat with him. These meetings were important and he needed to be updated just like everyone else in the community. Problem was Daryl was a stubborn son of a bitch and did things on his own time when he wanted to.

Walking outside the building, Aaron felt a weight on his shoulders that he hadn't felt a few seconds before hand. He gave Michonne his word. He was giving himself ten minutes tops. If anything that was more than enough time to search around and be back for the meeting if possible. Wether he was empty handed or not, he had to try.

With a deep breath, Aaron exhaled, relieving some of that heavy feeling in his chest before going out to search, eyes scanning his perimeter. He walked the streets. Nodding to folks walking by while his eyes were looking over everyone and everything. Each crack beside houses, the gardens where people were planting and even the walls where he'd seen Magna and Yumiko on watch. Unfortunately enough they hadn't known of Daryl's where about, but he hadn't expected much anyway.

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