Defending Connie Pt.2

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"Daryl, just stop-

"NO" he rose his voice, slamming a rough hand against a wooden pole in the council office," There shouldn't even be a debate about those assholes bein' here!" He growled, glaring at Gabriel before looking at each counsel member who bit their tongue to let him speak his mind.

"You think it's fair? For her to have to look over her shoulder anywhere she walks in this place she calls home?" He shook his head," Nah. It ain't."

"I understand there is bad blood between the three of you, but if you are just willing to work out the differences with these men than I'm sure it'll be a better place for the three of you to go about your day."

Daryl scoffed," What? you want me to shake his hand" he asked sarcastically, watching Gabriel frown at his response.

Seeing the argument was getting a little out of hand, Aaron stepped in, standing in between the two.

"I think that's enough for today."

"I agree" Gabe spoke briefly glancing towards Aaron before looking back at a fuming Daryl,"we'll advance the situation when Michonne arrives. It's best we hold out on our judgment for the next four days until she returns. Until then we'll have someone keep a close eye on them twenty four seven."

Instead of replying, Daryl shook his head. Glaring at Gabriel for a moment before opening his mouth," if anythin' happens it's on you." His words were stern, but promising. With one last look towards the man, Daryl turned his foot and walked out, ignoring Aaron's call from behind as he pushed the door open and let it slam behind him.

Daryl knew he needed to calm down. The sound of the slamming door behind him much harder than he intended gave him his reality check. He was breathing heavy. Planning on taking a walk or finding somewhere away from everyone was his way to calm himself. It was best to keep away from everyone when he was mad. With enough problems looming around their every corners, he didn't need to be another problem.

Though it was hard to keep his cool when it was hanging on a very tight string as the thought of the two men continued to run through his mind. Gabriel seemed to stick so firmly on his word about the men staying no matter the conditions and it irked him just a little. He wondered what kind of bullshit the two men had spit up and tossed out to the priest to have him so stuck on his word. The men had talked to the counsel first. Taking a good chunk of time in the building while he waited outside against the wall, pacing back and fourth at the endless possibilities that were going on inside. Moments later the men stepped out and he walked in, glaring at the two who mimicked his gaze when he walked by.

Connie told him what happened. She was minding her business; doing her part and then came along the two. Talked to her until talking became chuckling and grinning along with taunts that hit pretty deep. She didn't tell him the mocking bothered her, but she didn't have to because he saw the pain in her eyes every time he asked her if she was okay. The delayed response and short reply back along with a forced smile.

So that's what he told the council, but his side wasn't taken. Not yet at least. He was standing on middle ground until Michonne's return. For now the two men were in the clear. Being watched closely was their only price to pay for their crime. Daryl knew deep down that if Michonne was there there'd be no meeting tomorrow. Things would have been done and dealt and those two men would have been long gone before night fall.

Raising his eyes up from the grass about to step onto the pavement, a familiar voice calling towards him brought him to a stop.

"Hey!" Daryl turned at the voice only to face the two men walking towards him. From the way they held themselves with a genuine look on their face something wasn't right.

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