Not So Silent

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1:05 pm

Just a little deep into the forest away from Alexandria, they walked hand in hand as they made their way to his old hide out. No one was around to tease about their hand holding and by anyone it was really just Michonne that liked to watch Daryl squirm when she saw her chance.

Enjoying a nice afternoon stroll which was strangely quiet in a good way. Slightly breezy with the sound of only their boots crunching the leaves beneath their feet with each step. Upon making their way to his old camp, Daryl saw his tent. Still it stood tall and everything seemed to look the same after he'd left it. His fire pit made of rocks and wood still had ashes of his last fire. Being there gave him a peace knowing this was the place he found himself, and was also his and dogs first real home together.

It was quiet. The river flowed, peacefully splashing against the rocks as it flowed downstream. Never letting go of Connie's hand until they'd walked up to the front of his tent. Opening it with his now free hand while his other held his crossbow, he took a peak inside only to find things were still how he left them. His mattress was still laying there along with a rusty lantern. He didn't have much, but it got him by when that's all he really needed.

Though his attention had been drawn away from his tent when a light tap of his shoulder was felt by Connie. Turning his head he looked at her while she sighed to him.

"This where you lived before? Your Camp?"

Daryl gave a nod, watching her give a brief smile before her eyes wondered around the area. He watched as her feet then took her to the river, shortly enough he followed, standing by her side as she watched the water flow.

She stood with a warm smile on her lips. Daryl couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. She was curious about this place and so intrigued by it that it made his heart flutter. Her tight brown curls held nicely up in a bunched up pony tail on her head that shined in the sunlight that peaked between the trees. Admiring her without the intention of her knowing, he got caught when her head turned to the side, eyes meeting with his.

She gave a small smile that he seemed to mimic just before his eyes avoided hers for few seconds until he timidly met them again. He found it hard to keep eye contact with her even when they were alone with no one around. It always came down to getting use to. The hand holding, the hugs, eye contact, it was all a part of being with her and learning from their relationship everyday.

With her growing smile she sighed a word he knew all too well.


He gave a brief smile, bangs falling into his face as he brought them back to the river," Yeah." He replied, voice gruff," I did a lot of that."

She gave a nod before returning her eyes back to the river. He was sure the water was a lot cooler than it was standing in this heat. Today was hot and felt even hotter than the past couple days that'd passed. Remembering he'd had a cooler in his tent, he wondered if he'd kept any waters in there still. Giving Connie a light tap to the shoulder he signed,


"A little."

Waving his hand he spoke clearly," Follow me." Turning, he lead them to his tent, pushing open the flap and crouching inside. As she followed, he made his way to the small plastic cooler in the corner while she took a seat on his mattress. Inside he hoped that left over waters were laying effortlessly on one another inside. Not wasting any time to think about it, he opened the top of the cooler and much to his luck there was one water bottle to spare. Good thing they had no problem with sharing.

Closing the lid, he made his way next to Connie taking a seat beside her as he handed her the bottle sighing,"drink" while he handed it to her.

"Yours?" She asked, brows furrowing questionably while he shrugged.

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