Late Night

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••••2:25 a.m•••••

With one last perimeter check around her house, Michonne went to go call it a night. Already at her bedroom door, she rose a hand to push her door open only to be put to a stop when the sound of a light flicking on caught her attention.

Turning her head, she'd seen it hadn't been from Judith nor RJ's room because there was no light being casted from the crack of their bedroom doors.

Her guard was up. Hand on her sword that laid upon her back, she turned in the darkness and headed downstairs where the noise was emitted. Slowly making sure not to make a single creek on the wood. In stealth, quietly she made her way down the hallway towards the dim kitchen light that had been to its lowest setting as if not to bother anyone who would've been up by any chances.

Slowly withdrawing her sword, she took a breath before exhaling. Without going full execution, Michonne took a peak around the corner into the kitchen and in the dim lights, she made out a figure in the dim light that her eyes deciphered as familiar.

Relieved, she quietly exhaled. Not as guarded as she'd been seconds before, she watched curiously from her hidden spot and wondered what Connie was doing up this late in the morning?

Though the woman's dark, oversized flannel that had obviously belonged to a certain someone had been hanging around her body, buttoned all the way to the collar. Seeing her wear such a familiar piece of wardrobe didn't leave much to an imagination as to why she'd been up this late in the morning.

The flannel fit her like an oversized t-shirt would. The sleeves hanging past her slender fingers as she opened the cooler and pulled out what seemed to be a water bottle.

With a knowing smirk dancing upon her lips, she crossed her arms just as another pair of footsteps were heard walking into the kitchen coming from Daryl's basement.

Seeing Daryl walk into the kitchen, she was glad to see at least he was wearing some boxers when he walked up to the woman who turned to look at him with a warm smile, back now facing Michonne. Watching the two love birds, she saw as Connie handed Daryl one out of the two bottle of waters just before he seemed to set it aside on the counter beside them before wrapping his arms around her.

She seemed to follow, arms wrapping around his neck just before they leaned in, kissing and having a tender moment together.

Feeling as if she were intruding, Michonne was about to turn around until the moment between the two cut short. Catching her attention, she'd seen a hand of Daryl's withdraw from around Connie before he signed.

"I love you.."

The words were low and quiet, but she managed to put the words and signing together to know what he'd sincerely told Connie. The reaction he got from the woman in his arms was the same sincere signing of I love you before he was pulled back into another passionate kiss.

Privacy had a limit and it caused Michonne to finally turn around, back laying against the wall with a smile on her face. She'd never seen Daryl happy like this. She'd never seen him be himself with someone like this before and it was heart warming to say the least.

He deserved love and to be cared for by someone who loved him back just as much as Connie did.

With peace of knowing the house was secure of any threats, Michonne continued her way back to the stairs to retire her sword for tonight and to catch some sleep while Daryl and Connie had different plans for the night.


Early that morning when Judith and RJ weren't in their room of corse concern creeped in along with a sense of knowing. With a knowing feeling and smell of breakfast in the air, Michonne made her way downstairs.

Heading towards the kitchen the smell of bacon and eggs wafted strongly in the air along with a familiar gruff voice that followed with sounds of giggling laughter from Judith and RJ that made her heart warm knowing they were okay and having a good time.

Entering upon the kitchen, Michonne's eyes were met with Judith and RJ sitting at the table giggling before her gaze switched between the two love birds she'd seen earlier that morning. Daryl stood clothed and ready for the day while he was cooking some scrambled eggs with Connie standing beside him cooking some slices of hand cut bacon on the skillet.

A grin had grazed her lips, warming her entire face as she watched the scene before her. Seemingly out of instinct Daryl along with Connie looked up as if knowing someone had been standing at the entrance and when his eyes met hers, he gave a brief smile.

Connie waved with a warm smile before going back to flipping bacon.

"Mornin' " He spoke returning his eyes back to his sizzling pan," Hungry? Breakfast is almost done."

"Morning mom"

Before getting a word out an amused chuckle escaped past Michonne's lips when Judith and RJ greeted her so cheerfully with those precious smiles on their faces while she walked up to the table to take a seat with them.

"Morning" she responded with a smirk, eyes falling onto Daryl's," Sleep well?"

With that question Michonne swore that a red creeped onto his cheeks and it wasn't because of the heat from the stove. Bangs falling over his eyes he gave a nod.

"Better than most nights."

She rose a knowing brow," slept early I'm guessing?"

Turning the gas off on the stove, Daryl grabbed his pan along with his spatula and spoke,

"Breakfast is done."

She knew he was going to dodge that question. With a lingering smile on her lips, she couldn't help but not tease. Daryl was family. He'd always be.

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