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"You have it? Don't you?"

"No." Connie shook her head, but couldn't help a small smile from grazing her lips from his serious yet questioning stare. Seeing that her smile gave her away, she'd witnessed the corners of his mouth twitch into slight amusement as he shifted his footing.


"Daryl." She signed, smile growing into a grin when she'd watched him give a choked scoff at her cover up before flipping open the cover of their bed to see nothing hidden under the blanket.

"I know your hidin' my cross bow" he accused while his eyes scanned their bedroom for any unusual bumps in the curtains or sheets as if a crossbow could've been hiding" I left it here when I left to get you some breakfast this mornin" His eyes returned to hers," When I came back it was gone." He signed while she gave a harmless shrug.

"You sure you didn't leave it anywhere else?"


Watching him glance around the room once more from his spot in front of her, her smile maintained. She didn't know how long she'd would be able to keep this up for, but for the time being she'd try her best to keep his bow a secret.

Reaching out a hand, she gave a gentle tap to his shoulder, returning his attention back to her before she gave a shrug, raising her hands.

"Maybe this is a sign"

"A sign?" His brows furrowed questionably. She nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe it's a sign telling you that you should stay here for the day. Spend some time with me."

In response Daryl found the ends of his mouth tilting upwards,"Yeah, I'm sure the signs are tellin' me otherwise" he spoke," their clearly tellin' me you're hiding it."

Unable to hold back a grin, Connie's nose wrinkled as she gave a silent laugh at his playful twist in her words. Though what she hadn't known is that Daryl knew for sure he was onto something.

She hadn't moved from her spot beside the bed since he'd walked in. He'd noticed that. It was as if she'd been hiding something and just before he walked in, she hadn't had enough time to walk away from her spot. So she stayed put. Smart, he was putting her to the test, Daryl turned away from her and took a couple steps around the room giving her space to see if she'd move.

"What were you doing in here before I walked in?" He signed, looking at her from the distance.

"I was going to take a shower and get ready for the day."

He nodded. Eyes wondering around their room again before trailing back to her. He got it now. It was the bed. She was hiding it near the bed and if his bow wasn't laying underneath their covers then it was being hidden underneath the bed.

"The bed."

Her brows furrowed curiously as she read his lips and watched him make his way towards her. Processing his response, she'd realized after a quick second, he knew exactly where she was hiding it.

"What about it?" She asked rather hastily meeting him at the end of the bed, so he couldn't move past her. Though his eyes told her she'd already been busted.

With a swift side step, she blocked him from passing once more. Feeling his hands then gently hold her waist and trying to move her to the side, she grinned at his tactic. Not wanting him to see for sure if his prized possession was under the bed, she tapped his chest giving her time to spare while his eyes met with hers.

"It's not there." She shook her head, but he didn't seemed phased by her quick lie. Instead he'd flashed an amused smile.


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