1. Aim the knife and look away

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"Right so we either do this the easy or hard way, pick one" dragging the chair to the poor man that was going to face me in a second. Sitting down I feel something wet hit my cheek. Saliva. Fucking amazing. I wipe it away and look straight at Michael.

"Lovely, can we skip the shit and you just tell me where brother dearest is hiding?" I play with my knife and examine my tattoos. I should get more.

"Like I'm going to tell you where Diego is" he grits out. these men don't understand that I had enough shit talk after so many years of doing this. Especially, Michael, he isn't stupid. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"Michael," I start talking in a voice that people use for talking to toddlers. "We both know how close you and Diego were and we both know that you have the info that I need" I stand up and my smile drops.

"So how about you be a good fucking asshole and tell me where he is huh?! I hover over him. Fucking Michael.

" You are... " I didn't let him finish

" Oh Come on, I rolled my eyes "Am I worse than my father? A bitch? A whore? Michael, you know better than this. I hear that so many times I sometimes want to say it myself"

I push his chair Down and unzip his pants. With one small flick, I cut his manhood off and shove it away. People should listen to me when I say to start talking. He screams in agony. Music to my ears

"Now tell me Mike" I Grab the chair up and Pull it up with one hand "WE dated didn't we?" rhetorical question

"And then you cheated blah, blah, blah" I signal my guard to hand me the butcher's knife. I walked around the room and sharpened the knife. "It would be a shame if your current girlfriend, would let's say... mysteriously disappear?"

"NO LEAVE JEANIENE OUT OF THIS" I laugh at his words like a maniac. This is going to be one hell of a ride.

"You Bitch, You don't even know how fucking messed up your mind is"

I aim the knife at him and throw it with ease cutting off all 5 of his fingers and he screams like he never screamed before.

"tsk tsk tsk" I click my tongue "I know perfectly well how my mind works, I designed it, made it work as it works now, but you, my dear, don't have the slightest idea how dirty and cold-hearted it is" the second knife glides through the air with ease. His screams never get old, the good ones and the bad, It's sad nobody will ever hear them.

"Paris" he yells out. A smile spreads across my face. Classic Diego "He went to Paris, took most of the men with him, please don't hurt Jeanine, please" Tears well up in his eyes, pain, fear, and shame reflected on his face.

"A wise person once told me that there's no shame at loving two people at the same time, remember who it was? " I tower over him, holding my tears in as I recall the memories I once shared "You still love him don't you?" His stupid question makes me smile through my glassy eyes. I wasn't crying because of Michael, but because of the pain, he brought upon me "No, it would make me seem weak, and I'm anything but that"

 I look at him and walk to the other side of the room, where my gun laid. "Hell is a nice place" I pick it up "And when you have a loved one there" I load it, not minding the small whimpers coming from the helpless, once loved man, behind me "It's even better" I turn around and shoot him right in between the empty brown eyes. I stand there for a little while, inhaling the fresh smell of blood that was splattered on my clothes. Snapping out,

I walk over to the door and push it open, the guard who was watching through the glass windows had nothing but terror in his eyes. "Limpia esta mierda" I harshly yell out and quickly walk away. My gun found its way back into its holder on my waist. 

The hallway was not empty, most of the people I work with were there, watching me, as I make my way out of the basement, leaving a bloody trail behind me, a single tear rolling down my cheek. I wipe it away with the back of my hand and put my head up, I wasn't the kind of person to mess around with, and everybody knew it, that's why, although they were looking, they weren't looking me in the eye. 

They were scared, and so am I, but not because of the same reason, they are scared of the power I hold, of what im capable of. I am scared of my heart because while killing Michael, I felt nothing but pain, no regret, no guilt just pain. So what is my heart capable of?

The looks and stares finally stop when I reach my door. The one that leads me to my peace and quiet. I open it with my black key and make my way inside, Lightly closing it before throwing off my high heels and running straight into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, making the water as cold as possible. My bare feet touch the cold black marble making my whole body tense up. Coldwater makes its way down my neck, spine, and my legs. 

The clothes stick to me even more, I push my head back and so my face meets with the raging water. My eyes close shut, and darkness consumes me again but then I open them and I'm met with the world I live in. I slowly take the wet clothes off, making all of my tattoos and scars visible. The white citrus shower gel scent, filled my nostrils as I poured it all over my body, lathering it and then washing it off with the ice-cold water. 

It was no longer white, but pink. I wash myself again and turn off the water. I step out and wrap a black towel around myself. My face was reflected in the mirror, I was able to see each tiny scar, every little imperfection. And then I could hear the voices, telling me I'm not good enough, that's why the most important man in my life let me down and because of me, my father made me suffer for years on end. I knew it wasn't true, but still, I felt like it was true. I loved myself, my body, and everything about me. I appreciated who I was and felt strong.

I put on some clean underwear after making sure no blood was on me, then I put on black sweatpants and a black fitted shirt. My hair was down, brushing my broad shoulders as I removed my makeup. My life wasn't as easy as some may think. I'm filled with secrets.

Sooooo this is the first chapter in "The Way You Broke Me" I hope you liked it. I know it's short the next will be much longer. Also an update on why "The Mafia" is not available. I decided to merge it with this story.  ANYWAYS tell me what you think I love you guys So much 💓💓

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