Very Lucky/un edited

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She looked stunned at what I just said. I mean I don't blame her I showed up at our house after three days, kissed her, announced that I killed my fucking uncle, and then asked her If she will love me again. I would be lying if I said I wasn't crazy for doing all that to her in one day, especially after what happened three days again.

But while I was away, I realized how dumb I was three years ago. To not believe what she said in the first place, to doubt her after all those years. I had a solid reason for them but as time passed I realized how dumb it was.

She didn't want to even hear it, she packed all her things and left with our kid. I later found a note that said: good luck motherfucker I hope you find a good bitch to fuck

I did find a bitch to fuck. Clarice. She was good but not as good as Alexandria. Alexandria was an amazing person to start with and Clarice was a selfish, arrogant model who only cared for money. Alexandria was caring and sassy, her small giggles made butterflies erupt in my stomach. The small scoff she did when she was annoyed or the whole-hearted laugh she had was the most wonderful sound in the world. Clarice had none of those.

When Alexandria killed she looked like a warrior queen like she was destined for this. She lived in the moment, used the most absurd ways to challenge you. A lot of people found her scary, I found her powerful.

Who wouldn't want a fucking badass bitch as a wife? Even my uncle tried to marry her. We got engaged when we were young, but that didn't stop us from being the most powerful people on this planet.

Hell, she killed 156 people with only a knife all in one day.

Of course, loved her, I just hoped she loved me.

"ah fuck it I can't anymore" she murmured under her breath, stood up from the couch, and kissed me hard on the lips. Those soft lips were touching mine. I fucking missed her kisses. Our kiss was rough. I knew our relationship was complicated and that things won't be the same as they used to but right now, I didn't care.

She sat down on my lap without breaking our kiss and I wrapped my hands around her waist.

"This doesn't fix all our problems," she says when we breakaway

"No" I reply and look at all her features

"And this doesn't mean we are going to be a happy fucking married couple again you know that?" I nod still smiling "This just means Im not as mad at you," she says, stands up, and turns around trying to walk out, but I don't let her, I turn her back around by her hand.

Before she could react I kiss her again and then let her go. Still shocked she turns around and walks out, her hips swaying as she does so.

Fuck im so happy.


I walk into my room still shocked at what I just did. Im still mad, still sad, still dead on the inside but at least im not fucking regretting anything.


I walk into my room and turn on the lights. I have a job tonight with Angelo. It's a private party organized by one of the most wealthy men here in Italy and we are crashing it to kill four people. But I have to wear a fucking dress. I hate dresses. Isa helped me pick one out through the phone. It was a green floor-length dress with crystals and diamonds sawn into the fabric. It had a slit on my right leg and long sleeves. 

The slit was easy to access to my knife hence why I usually have a slit in these types of dresses. I strapped three knives to myself. One on my back, one on my leg, and one on my hand. The wone on the hand was tiny but very sharp.

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