Mia Cara

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Just like her name screamed 'power' her attitude screamed 'danger'. She smelled like a fresh garden full of roses that just bloomed at the beginning of spring. And although it was delicate she wasn't. No one else in this house held as much power over men like her. They started shaking as she entered the room and stopped only when she returned to her hometown. She left a trail of blood after her, no wonder they called her "Regina Della Morte", she was s pure but at the same time, so dirty-minded.

As she entered the main hallway already arguing with some people, my heels clicked against the marble stairs, my posture perfect, shoulders back, hands lightly folded fidgeting with my fingers, and head held high. The big puff sleeves bounced up and down with each step and the diamond ring seemed heavier and heavier, just like my deep breaths.

Saying I was nervous would be a lie. I was ecstatic, not nervous. Rosalia was the type of person you wanted to be but couldn't, I could.

Lucifer walked right next to me, his rough arm around my shoulder, with his ruby-red and silver rings decorating his long slim fingers, Rolex on his wrist, veins popping through, leaves rolled up and cuffs slightly unbuttoned.

He was dressed in a black Armani suit, dress shirt which was lightly tucked into his pants, and tattoos peeking out. His hair was messed around, not gelled back like usual, in his right ear, he had his matching ruby earring and several more in his left.

He walked slowly, looking straight in front of him, at his somewhat angry aunt, probably thinking about a quick escape plan.

"-Why would you do that to you're beautiful self, you're so much better than this fucker" Her voice boomed through the hall as we made our way somewhat closer to everyone

"Aunt Rosa" He opened his arms widely

I caught her rolling her eyes at her nephew as soon as she turned to look at him. I had to suppress my laugh at her early annoyment

"Move you, Satan, I want to see my dear Alexandria" Rosa humbled Lucifer, who huffed and noticed a few small laughs from her friends

"Sorry, looks like I'm the favorite" I quickly whispered to him before throwing his arm off of me and now opening my arms widely to hug Rosalia.

"Antie Rosalia" I run-up to her and hug her. She hugs me back and I can feel her smile.

"How have you been my love?" The question fills her up with warmth, it was ic to have someone ask you that. Like a breath of fresh air

"Could have been better" I pull back and look at the older woman's beautiful face not quite letting go yet. "How about you?"

"Worried about this dipshit" She points at Lucifer making sure he hears what she said "and you of course mio angelo" I smile at her kind words, and let her go stepping a bit back

"Alexandria, it's nice to see you're back in the family again," Victor, Rosalia's husband said lightly nodding to me.

"Thank you, Victor, it's nice to see you too" I smile kindly and look at the poor people standing next to them.

Angelo was smiling from ear to ear

"What are you smiling about?" I ask him

"Murder" He voices quietly. I smile and look around.

"Okay, why don't we all go to eat?"


"Im just saying if the man doesn't have good tattoos he doesn't have good taste in music, it is based on facts" We all laugh at Angelos's theory about tattoos and men. We were all a bit drunk now so talking about useless shit was in our nature.

"You are 100% correct my boy 100%" Rosalia raises her wine glass to Angelo who just burps and thanks to her.

"What if a man didn't have any tattoos? Would he have good taste in music?" Leonne asks. Leonne had low alcohol tolerance so you could assume she was now completely stone-faced.

"Honey, he would be bisexual" Angelo nods slowly, making wide eyes, and Leonne stares into space. I laugh at the nonsense that was leaving their mouths. I thankfully only had two glasses of wine so basically, I was the soberest out of all of our guests.

"What if cows never gave us any milk and chickens never gave us eggs and it was always the other way around?" Santiago asks all of a sudden.

"Im going to get us something stronger than wine" Lucifer whispers into my ear and I nod, carefully waiting for a response for Satntiagos' question.

"That is a good theory, good theory, you are smart very smart" Angelo winks at Santiago. This is getting out of hand. But it's very entertaining.

"Now real talk everybody, Mia Cara, are you and my nephew sorted out, or do I have to beat him with a slipper?" Aunt Rosalia asks and I just laugh a bit.

"I think he understood what he did wrong" Rosa smiles at me and goes back to her conversation with her husband.

"I feel like im being abducted by aliens" Santiago muttered, somewhere between my quick interaction with Rosa his face slammed onto the table.

"Oh I know how you feel, I feel that too" Angelo mutters back.

A glass of vodka was put before me when Lucifer sits down and leans back in his chair. His hair was messed up even more. I have no idea if it was the fireplace that was going but it suddenly got hotter in the room.

"Lucifer I have a question" Leonne states making me wonder what it was going to be.

"Go ahead Lele"

"Do you feel complete with Alexandria?"

Everybody stops what they were doing and patiently waits for Lucifer to reply.

Even Santiago partially raises his head from the table to look Lucifer in the eyes.

"I do" he answered without hesitation, which made me weirdly happy. It finally felt right, like this is where I belong and am supposed to be.

"I fucking knew it!" She yells out and pushes her chair back abruptly making it lose control and fall onto the ground bringing her along with it.

a loud thump was heard and then it was followed by a faint 'owie' from Leonne.

"Maybe you banged your head hard enough that it knocked some sense into your brain," Angelo says spinning his wine glass around, smiling evilly.

Santiago chuckles "Good one" he fist bumps Angelo and they both laugh not bothering to help Leonne. The vodka will definitely be needed 


I am not functioning correctly anymore. Im sorry. Anyways here is the chapter. I hate it so I will probably edit it tomorrow. I also got five chapters edited today so I am very proud of myself. also HAPPY HALLOWEEN. 👻👻👻

I love all of you mwah. 

xo Mika

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