And he was finally home/un edited

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It's disappointing When you feel like a fucking disappointment, and you are disappointed. It has been exactly three days since the accident and the meeting, I still haven't seen Lucifer. I have sent him multiple fucking messages, threatening him, cursing him out, and even begging him to come home, but nothing. I honestly gave up on trying to find him.

I was fucking worried about him, even after what he did and he threw that worry and care away. So if he wanted to play like a toxic couple again im all in, ill fucking show him how to make the world revolve around you and hurt people.

If I was a bitch before, im going to be satan now.

I sat in his chair, in his office, and looked at the fresh look. The smell of the paint was still in the air. If you are wondering what color I painted the office I will tell you. Neon fucking pink, but not only the walls, no, but the whole room was also pink. The files, pens, staples, everything was pink.

Some might call me crazy, and that is okay, but I prefer the term Creative or Emotionally Unstable.

That's what he gets for leaving me the moment I needed him most. I pick up the phone. Let's call him one last time.

A: Lucifer Leonardo, Giovanni, Dante, Francesco Bianco,

I start while looking down on the phone and spinning around.

"Yes?" I stop and look at the dick who was standing in the doorway.

I stand up and walk up to him looking him directly in the eye. I slap him as hard as I can, he holds his cheek but smiles.

This motherfucker

"Where the hell have you been huh?" I ask and raise my hand again to slap him but he stops me. He pulls me by the arm closer to him, 

"Let me fucking go" I yell but he doesn't budge, instead, he presses his lips onto mine. I close my eyes and feel him smile through the kiss.

I didn't pull away, I kissed back

The kiss was soft and gentle, but filled with love and relief. When we pulled away I glared at him but he was grinning.

"Im finally home" he announced throwing his arms in the air. I was confused and still a bit angry, but it felt good to see him smile and not be so grumpy

He pulled me back to him and wrapped his hands around my waist, he looked at me with happiness in his eyes

"Where have you been?" I ask him again. He was still smiling. What the hell is he smiling at?

"I killed my uncle," he said nonchalantly

"WHAT?!" I push him away and back way a bit. He laughs at my reaction and makes his way to his chair.

"I killed my goddamn uncle, and realized I should have done it three years ago" he cupped his head in his hands and smiled at me again

"First of all stop fucking smiling it pisses me off, second of all why the fuck did you kill him I was supposed to do that next week?"I leaned above him, making me look bigger.

"I love you" okay seriously what the fuck is wrong with him?
"I lo-are you on drugs?" I quickly correct myself

"nope and im sober as could be" A small smile started to creep its way onto my face

"Did you notice the pink?" I ask and he throws his head back in laughter

"Yes my love, I like it this way thank you" he is definitely not okay

"Don't thank me thank Angelo he did this and enjoyed every second of it" I push myself off the table and sit down on the couch.

"Will you love me again?" he asks 

(AN/ this is Just a fill in chapter the next will be much much longer and it will probably be up tomorow.
I love you all <3)

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