Alexandria Bianco/ un edited

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I wish he dies.

 Honestly, I wish all of them to die. 

Marrying my fucking ex is not the direction I wanted this to go. My life is nothing but a fucking mess that my father controls. Now I have an extra burden on my shoulders. That dumbass is nothing but a heartless motherfucker. 

Three years ago was a mistake that I wished would not repeat itself but here we fucking are, back at square one. 

And of fucking course paparazzi will know about this tomorrow so I will be forced to suck it up, put a fake smile on, and act like nothing ever happened, but right now I need to focus on brother dearest. 

The scanner is still in the same place he didn't change it so I head towards the left side of the building and stand in front of a plain-looking wall. 

The fingerprint scanner scans my hand The feeling is still the same, first, it's hot then it's cold as fuck and then your hand goes numb. 

"How did you know it still works?" He asks as my hand remains on the scanner. 

"I hacked your security files while I was driving here and checked" It sounds complicated but honestly his tech needs to be fired, after three years everything looks the same, every password, code literally everything is the same. 

But what did I expect his father is the same as mine: lazy as fuck, that's why Lucifer and I started running the Mafias together before. 

"You're still the same Perso I knew" He scoffs and scans his hand after me. I roll my eyes and proceed to enter the password. 

"And you still haven't changed the password"  Something clicks and I reach to the place the door is located. Fucking dumbasses, anybody can break in here. I push open the door and walk in like I own the place. Because I do. 

hundreds of eyes look at me, some confused, some happy some surprised. 

Honestly, Johny im surprised im here too, 

I think to myself

I head straight to the room I knew my people would be at. Lucifer was walking behind me with just the same amount of authority as me in his eyes. If anybody else would be walking next to him right now, they would be shitting their pants, but not me, if anything im way scarier than he is. 

"Turn right and the left" this bitch. 

"I fucking know where to go" Fucking bastard, the audacity that he has. 

Turning right I was welcomed by more people staring at me. 

That's right bitch I'm back 

We have finally reached the room and for the third day today, I push open the double doors and hush the whole room. Everybody was here. Isabella, Angelo, Leonne, Santiago the twins, and Deimos. Also, some random people that I didn't know and Lucifers and my men. Perfect.

"I need stats now " My demanding tone has taken over. The file in my hand was thick so that means we have a lot of catching up to do. 

 I make my way to the end of the table and sit on the chair that Lucifer probably sits on. Too bad, he'll have to stand up. Sorry, not sorry. The random people looked surprised that I sat down in that chair. Why is everybody so surprised. 

"The shipments are all on schedule, " Isa begins speaking. Shit, I still haven't picked my second in command. Isa is the third so it's between Leonne and Santiago there is no way in hell that I will let Angelo be it. 

"The Mexicans, Americans, Irish and Scottish Mafias have signed the contracts so we officially have regained one-third of our allies, The Swedish are asking for permission to use our weapons," 

"How much are they willing to pay?" Money, Money is one of the most important things in this world. 

"7 million" I look up at her. 

"That's not enough for what they want" Everybody's heads turned to me. Even the ones that i don't know. The Swedish always need something from us and always pay way to little.

 "14 million at least I'm not risking this shit" Isa nodded telling me that she will inform me. 

"Okay, do I have any meetings scheduled for tomorrow regarding Elite?" Elite is my company which I have started in order to cover up my underworld business and also ensure more income. 

Isa scans her laptop a bit and then shakes her head no. Brilliant. 

"Great well, Leonne what is the situation with my brother" I have been dying to know this.

"What happened to Diego?" Lucifer askes confused. Of course, this man doesn't know. I ignore him and look back at Leonne who has already stood up to speak. 

"We got the trace of the money you asked us to track but it doesn't match with the location that Michael gave us" I nod for her to continue 

"Since there aren't any traces of the money being used, transferred, or exchanged our best bet is that he still has it" 

Fucking amazing. Now the question is where is it

"Okay, what's the location?" I stand up and close my laptop and file 

"Rome, Italy" 

How fucking convenient. 

"Great, get the jet ready we fly out tomorrow" They all nod and my men leave the room. 

I mentally slap my brother. It's like he fucking wanted me to go there on purpose and die.

"Amazing now does anyone care to explain why these people are having a meeting here and why this hoe is sitting in lucifers chair?"  A red-haired girl asked. 

"Good question Clarice" Lucifer points out but his voice is still cold. "This is Alexandria Bianco the new Italian and Spanish Donna" 

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