Get Out/un edited

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'wait, Bianco?'

'What do you mean Italian?'



All those questions were being yelled out by the people in the room. Im going to need a lot of Advil tomorrow. Wait what time is it? 8 p.m holy shit how long has this been going on? If I don't get myself a glass of wine and a hot bath by 11, everybody will die.

fuck I'm getting a headache already everybody needs to shut up NOW or I swear to god I will burn this place down and laugh like a maniac. 

Now that I think about it I'm all Bark no Bite. Let's change that. 

I pull out my gun and point it at the ceiling. These people don't even pay attention to me and I'm supposed to be the Center of attention. Damn let's just pull the trigger, shall we? 

"Are you done or am I supposed to fire a few more?" I really want to be done and over with this day. AND I NEED WINE. Everybody shut up surprisingly. 

"Great, now for starters" I hide my gun and make my way over to the red-haired girl. She should have known better than call me a hoe. 

I grab her chin and look her straight in the eye. Let's teach her a lesson. 

"Name and position" She gulps and looks over to Lucifer. Oh fuck me for god's sake, is she really making him help her? Baby girl it's not going to work, he's fucking married to Me, he won't help you. I don't really care if it was arranged or not in this situation. 

Lucifer just stares at her blankly. see he doesn't give a shit. 

"Look at me when I'm talking" That's right bitch im demanding, she looks back and gulps one more time. "Name and Position" I grit out. She's going to have a bruise afterward not from the grip I have on her chin, but from my fist, if she doesn't start talking. 

"Clarice Costillo, third in command" 

At least she didn't stutter 

"You are one lucky bitch," "If you weren't the third in command you would be dead by now" It's True. 

Everybody in this room probably knows what happens if people call me a hoe, and trust me it's not pretty. 

I let go of her chin and walk over to Lucifer. He better have thought them the rules. 

"Rule number four" everybody tenses up, but no one speaks a word. Is she fucking deaf? 

"RULE NUMBER FOUR" My voice booms in the room but she doesn't speak. "No? alright" what kind of fucking mafia is this? Im fucking tired. 

"Angelo rule number four" Angelo stands up and looks me straight into the eye. 

'Respect is earned if respect is given'

I nod and he sits back down. 

"Now if you dare call me any name again." dramatic pause "I will not hesitate to cut your head off and trust me I have done it before, ask Lucifer he's seen it being done" I look around the room. "Am I clear?"


I rub my temples. I need Advil and a glass of wine then a hot bath I swear.  

"AM I FUCKING CLEAR" I yell and even Lucifer flinches. Idiot. 

"Yes Donna" That's new

"Good, Isa I sent you the mail with all of the events that happened in the last 24 hours, Angelo prepares the jet, Leonne can you keep tracking the money and inform me if it changes locations?" 

"Yes lex" okay good at least my people know how to do things. 

"Okay, Santiago congratulations you're now third in command so I need stats every five hours mailed to me, new recruits come in on Sunday I expect you to train them along with Leonne and Mikey" 

Okay now for the hard part: What was that bitches name? Camilla? Carolina? Lucifer must have noticed that I was struggling a bit. 

"Clarice" he whispered 

"Clarice, I need a report on every single unknown person for me in here in the morning"

"I don't work for-" Fuck this oka-

"THAT'S ENOUGH CLARICE" Lucifer shouts."You work for me and I'm married to Alexandria so you work for her, now get out" 

HE DID NOT JUST- yep he did 


"Get. Out" she stood up and grabbed her things. 

"Actually before you go" She stops dead in her tracks "I want that report in an hour" SHe sends me a death glare and slams the door. 

"Right well if we are done," Lucifer looks around "Well be heading out, Dismissed" 


I walk out before everybody anybody else does. 

"We are going over to my place" I look for the Advil in my bag 

"Sure" Lucifer plays with his gun

"Leave your gun alone" He rolls his eyes. 

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