2. A good family dinner

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A good family dinner was a hoax. It never existed, it never will. At least in this family. My parents weren't easy people to deal with. My mother Sicilia De' Laru wasn't a bad person, but wasn't also a good one. she was a mother when she could benefit from it, or when she could use that title against something. She was too proud to be a mother, too proud to risk anything good in her life for the sake of her children. My father Ricardo Camille was a hallucination of a parent. If a parent is a person that makes you feel pain, throws you to the curb every damn time, trains you to be empty, hard as a rock, never take no for an answer, murder people at the age of six, and push you to your limits, then he was an amazing parent. The only good thing I learned from him was to never let people underestimate you. At least for me, he was no more than a person who lives in the same house as me.

My brother was always their favorite. They loved praising Diego, making him feel loved and worthy. I loved my brother too, he was the only person who could understand me enough, to not make me feel alone, that all changed when he left. I was used to people leaving me, but he broke me the most, I rejected everyone and everything that came into my sight, I wanted to kill him, everyone, scream at the world, and complain about how unfair my reality was. My sperm donor was disappointed, for once not about me and my wrongdoing but my brother. Mom was hysteric. She cried and cried because her little boy ran away. At first, we all thought that he died, but then Leonne tracked him down.

Talk about problematic families.

I don't care about Diego anymore I care about the 75 million dollars he stole, our allies that went with him, half of my people, and the most important piece of paper that exists

So while he's off in Paris I'm stuck here, trying to find him and bring all of our belongings back. To top off my amazing life I am also being forced to marry somebody I have never met.

It wasn't all tragic it was just frustrating. I sat down at the dinner table ready to hear more complaints about everybody's day but instead I'm met with my mom who was scrolling through her phone not bothering to even speak to me and my dad who was casually eating not giving a fuck about the people around him. Following in their footsteps I take the fork into my hand and start eating not caring to greet anyone in particular.

"So, Alexandria how was your day?" Shock travels through my body as I hear y father speak to me in a normal tone.

"Um, good I guess, how about you?" I reply still confused about why he was all of a sudden interested in my well-being.

"I'm doing fine, I heard you found out about Diegos location" of course that's what they want and here I was thinking he might actually want to talk to me.

I nodded slightly and put another piece of food in my mouth. "That's good, that's good, what are you planning on doing after dinner?" I shake my head when I realize what they want from me.

"Pappa ask the question im not dumb" I drop my fork and fold my hands together. I know my parents way too well to know when they want something from me

"¿Qué? ¿No puede una familia tener una cena normal sin discutir?" I know my father, he never backs down from a good fight so this one should be one of them.

"No, not this family" I mutter under my breath. I give them a look to tell me what they want and get this shit over with.

"Ugh fine," my mother gives in and raises her gaze from her phone "You are getting married" I knew it. I knew that this was why I was here. This is happening all over again. I push my chair back and stand up. Suddenly I didn't feel comfortable sitting

"Fuck no ma" I send my father a glare. I know what he will do next. "I told you multiple times that I don't want to hear about marriage especially if it is an arranged one now if you excuse me I have things to do and places to be at" I pick up my phone and turn around but my father stops me.

"This is not a discussion Alexa..." I turn back around upon hearing these words.

"Exactly, I told you no then that means NO" I slam my hands on the glass table. My facial expressions changed as anger started to rise upon me. I wasn't giving in so easily and my father was starting to get annoyed.

"Alexandria Alegra Anastasia Aidelina Adan Camille you know perfectly well what situation we are in and for god's sake he's the heir to the I....."

"NO" I yell not letting him finish "MY WORD IS FINAL" "I don't give a fuck if he's the don of some powerful Mafia or the Queen of England do you understand?" My voice booms throughout the dining room making everybody's heads turn to me. "I am in charge and I only I determine what my life is going to be like from now on" I look him in the eye daring him to call me out again. "I am not getting married"

"yes you are, you are in no way powerful enough to rule this empire don't you understand, we're doing this because we love you" I throw my plate against the brick wall making it shatter into pieces.

"Because of love? You're doing this because of love? Do you even hear yourself?" My cheeks heat up and I could almost feel the deep red appearing on them.

"Alexandria that's enough-" my mom tries to intervene but I just send her the same look I sent my father

"Don't you dare to calm me down mama" I push my hands off of the table and point my finger at her. "You aren't the one being manipulated all her life" Rage was going through my veins

How dare she try and calm me down? How dare she try and send me away? How dare she?

"We are not manipulating you we are just trying to help you?"

"Help me with what? My love life or just my life in general?"

"Its lucifer Bianco" I snap my head to my father

"What did you just say?" I make my way over to my father who was now standing. We looked each other in the eye as he repeated his words.

"You are getting married to Lucifer Bianco" 

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