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❝ once upon a december ❞


That was all Natalia Alianova Romanova could see. Red on the walls, red on the floor, red gushing from their bodies. Red, like her hair.

It wasn't supposed to end like this.

"We can't let them find out about Anastasia." Nikolai stroked his daughter's hair, red, like her mother's. The 3-year-old slept peacefully in Natalia's arms, unconsciously leaning into her father's touch. "I love you, Natalia."

"I love you too."

"Will we meet again?"

"Yes. Once upon a December, you know?"

The woman didn't expect KGB operatives to be waiting outside. The man didn't expect the Imperial Russian family to be with them. Nikolai's eyes met his wife's, Alexandra. All he could see was tears and betrayal, guilt tugging at his heart.

"Did you not think of our children, Nikolai?" Their children. Olga, Tatiana, and little Alexei. Alexei, only a few months old, born 2 years after Anastasia. The guilt in his heart only became larger, but there was no regret. No, Nikolai II did not regret his decision. He loved Natalia, but he loved his children as well. "I hope you're happy with yourself."

However, the confrontation ended too quickly. Before he could have a chance to explain himself, gunshots rang around the room. Screams emitted from the eldest daughters, cries came from the tragic lovers, and the infants wailed. Alexandra was the first to fall, her gown stained with her own blood. Nikolai cried out for his wife, while Natalia shouted at the KGB operatives. But they did not stop. Then it was Olga, falling beside her mother. The Tsar stood in front of Tatiana, though it was in vain as both their bodies were punctured with bullets.

Red. That was all Natalia Alianova Romanova could see. Red on the walls, red on the floor, red gushing from their bodies. Red, like her hair.

The shooting stopped, but the bleeding did not. Nor did Natalia's tears.

"Please, protect my son." The Imperial Tsarina's eyes met Natalia's. The latter froze, a pained breath leaving her lips. Both children in their arms began to wail, and the women were no longer in a rivalry – they were simply mothers. The red-haired woman fell to her knees before the blonde, attempting to stop the bleeding. The queen only nodded, a teary smile on her face, as if she were accepting her death. Handing a bloodied, yet unharmed, Alexei to Natalia, Alexandra finally closed her eyes.

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