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❝ once upon a december ❞


Ana rejoiced at the familiar face of Agent Hill. The brunette burnt a hole through the van's floor, letting them all escape. She took the four to a secret facility, Sam calling for a doctor to look at Natasha's wound. Before the doctor could take her to be treated, Maria stopped him, instead taking them all to see Director Nick Fury, alive and well.

Ana gasped at the sight of him, overjoyed but also confused. The director explained the reason behind his faked death and how he did it. From then, the adults discussed the final plan – to bring down S.H.I.E.L.D. Though Fury was against it, hoping to salvage part of it, he eventually gave in.

They infiltrated the Triskelion, where all the Helicarriers were held. Ana went with Steve and Sam while Natasha decided to go after Pierce whilst undercover, much to the latter's reluctance.

"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked, dressed in his Falcon suit. Steve also wore his own, donning the red, white, and blue uniform from his days in WWII, and Anastasia was given a S.H.I.E.L.D bodysuit, which she was used to.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." The girl tilted her head at Steve's answer, before shrugging it off. The HYDRA agents began firing at the trio, with Sam flying around to avoid them while Steve and Ana fought them off. The girl whipped her ribbon around and engaged in hand to hand combat, noticing her family also fighting the agents.

Nikolai took out the enemies with a single punch, looking quite proud of himself. Olga and Tatiana kicked at their shins and slapped their faces so hard they fell over. Alexandra, appalled, watched her family, sighing exasperatedly.

"Alpha locked," Steve spoke into his earpiece from the control centre of the first Helicarrier, Ana standing next to him. The girl looked out the window, seeing Sam lead missiles to the other Helicarrier, causing it to catch fire.

"Bravo locked."

"Two down, one to go." With that, Steve and Ana began to run to the next Helicarrier, avoiding the bullets as the HYDRA agents tried to kill them.

"Hey, Sam, we're gonna need a ride!"

"Roger! Let me know when you're ready." The agents fired a missile at the two, barely missing them as they jumped off Helicarrier Alpha, hand in hand.

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