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❝ in a dream ❞


Banner asked. No one had seemed to notice Natasha's shock. Her daughter. She had grown so much – though, to be fair, it had been 10 years since she had seen her.

"I only found out my name was Anastasia today..." Anya- no, Anastasia mumbled, feeling uncomfortable under all the suspicion.

"Lay off the kid, will ya?" Clint glared at Bruce and Tony, much to Anastasia's thanks. The two men seemed to back off, though the girl knew they were still wary of her. Anastasia seemed to realise how much they acted like a family–

Her family! Oh, no, Grandmama and Alexei must be so worried. Or what if Rasputin had done something to them? Did they even know she was missing? Were they hurt?

"Mr. Arrow," Anastasia tugged at Clint's sleeve, the latter smiling gently at her.

"Clint Barton."


"My name."

"Oh, well, Clint," Anastasia liked the way it sounded. "My grandmother and my brother – will they be okay?"

Clint sent a look to Steve, who nodded in response before contacting S.H.I.E.L.D. They would protect the Imperial family.

"Don't worry, Ana." Ana. It was nice. She liked Ana. Ana smiled gratefully at Clint. Looking around, the Quinjet was actually quite spacious. The agent had pointed out each Avenger and provided their names, much to Stark's distaste. Ana realised she did not like Tony Stark that much.

The red-haired girl then turned to Natasha Romanoff, who still watched her. She was strangely familiar. Natasha couldn't bring herself to just reveal the secret, because how awkward would that be, right? Still, part of her longed to embrace her daughter and apologise for everything.

"Do I know you?" Yes. It was one word, only one. But why couldn't Natasha say it? Ana waited for a response. She didn't know what to expect, in fact, she didn't know why she asked in the first place.

"We met once," Ana rose a brow, as if to ask 'when?'. Natasha only smiled softly, tears threatening to break through her facade. "In a dream."

That only confused Anastasia. What could that mean? Before she could ask, Natasha had thrown a spare shirt and jeans to the girl before walking away. Though still puzzled, she followed the woman, stopping in front of what seemed to be a bathroom.

"Figured you'd wanna change out of," Natasha gestured to the HYDRA uniform, "that."

"Thank you," Ana smiled. Natasha felt her heart stop. He used to smile like that. "What did you mean by the dream...?"

"You'll find out." The older woman smirked, and Ana couldn't help but feel like she had seen it before. Natasha then walked back to the other Avengers, letting Ana change in peace.

The princess looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so... American. No more pretty sundresses or ball gowns, not until HYDRA fell. Her mind drifted to her family once again, before a sharp pain stabbed into the side of her head. Ana was beginning to think there was more to that 'vaccine' than she thought.

Ignoring her sudden migraine, the girl walked back to the foyer. She could hear multiple voices arguing, and she knew it was about her.

"She's just a kid, man!"

"HYDRA could be tricking us, Barton!"

"Tony, Clint's right."

"Oh, come on, Rogers, really? Is this the patriotism talking?"

"I personally think Lady Anastasia is trustworthy."

"I have to agree with Tony..."

"Thank you, Bruce! What's your stand on this, Romanoff?"

"Have you ever heard of the Imperial Massacre?"

"What does that have to do with this?"

"She can tell you herself. Come here, Ana."

There was a slightly awkward air when Ana revealed herself from behind the wall. Bruce and Tony looked away in shame, feeling guilty for accusing a child. Steve nodded at her reassuringly, along with Clint. Thor attempted to cheer the girl up somehow, but he had never heard of the 2004 event. Natasha's head was turned for reasons Ana did not know.

"It happened in 2004," The girl started, her voice soft. "The Imperial family of Russia were ambushed in their own palace by men armed with guns. Everyone was killed, except myself and Alexei. We were too young to remember, so no one knows who murdered our family. Until now."

Ana handed the file in her hands to Captain America, as he was closest. The soldier grimaced at the crest on the folder, yet opened it to read. While Clint looked over Steve's shoulder to look at the file, his eyes widened when they came across a familiar name – Natalia Alianova Romanova. He was right after all, the moment he met Anastasia's eyes. Clint had rescued his best friend's daughter. The man turned to Natasha, who smiled sadly in response.

"HYDRA killed your family." The captain's eyes held sympathy for the young girl, as did everyone else. The red-haired woman felt her gut wrench, memories of the massacre flashing through her mind. No, not HYDRA. She led them to their deaths. She killed the Imperial family. "You said you and your brother–?"

"Half-brother," Ana mumbled. It didn't feel right to label him in such a way, especially since they were so close. "My mother wasn't the Tsarina."

"Do you know who is?" Steve asked gently, his expression almost resembling a sad puppy's. Clint kept his eyes on Natasha, watching her every reaction. He knew he would have to confirm it with the spy later.

"Only her name." The princess shook her head, biting her lip. Should she look for her mother at all? What if she didn't even want Anastasia? Then again, the girl had her grandmother and brother to look out for. "What happens now? I can't go home yet, can I?"

From there, the Avengers explained how Ana would be staying at the Tower (much to Stark's dislike) under the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D. At least, until HYDRA and Rasputin no longer posed a threat to the Imperial family.

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