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❝ back to the future! ❞

It was later that night when it happened.

Ana had been shown around the Avengers Tower, presented her own room, eaten dinner with the Avengers, before it was time for bed. The girl had just finished brushing her teeth, heading back into her room when she saw them. A tall man, with his dark hair slicked back, standing alongside a blonde woman and two girls.

Ana screamed.

She knew them, of course. They were the Imperial family – she had seen their photos in the folder. But they were dead! And the girls that died in 2004, they were only children – so why did teenage Olga and Tatiana, aged 16 and 14, stand in front of Ana?

Natasha was the first to rush into her daughter's room, followed by Clint and Steve, then the rest of the Avengers. The princess had stumbled back and fallen over, her elbows supporting her on the floor as her eyes stared fearfully up at... nothing?

"What's wrong?! Anastasia?!" The red-haired woman tried to shake the girl from her stupor, but she only raised a shaky finger at the figures in front of her. Natasha looked in the direction again – no one was there. The Avengers watched with concern, but then they noticed.

Anastasia's once brown eyes now glowed red.

"T-They're dead!" Nikolai – or well, Nikolai's ghost winced at his daughter's words, while the women smiled sadly.

"Did HYDRA do anything to you? Did they give you something?" Steve placed a firm hand on the girl's shoulder, to which she numbly pointed at the Band-Aid on her bicep. The man clenched his jaw, knowing the organisation had experimented on her as they had on him, 70 years ago. "Stark, we need–"

"Got it." The heroes moved out of the room, Ana in Steve's arms. She was still shaking, her eyes set on her dead family that followed behind. The girl didn't know where she was being taken, but she found herself lying down some operation table. "JARVIS, run a scan."

The Romanova family disappeared, as did the red glow in Anastasia's eyes. However, it was replaced with a golden glow, followed by a blood-curling scream from the girl. Natasha's heart lurched to comfort her daughter, but she had frozen out of shock. Ana hadn't the slightest idea of what she was seeing. It seemed like the world began to move so much faster, as if she were looking into the future.

A metal man with red lights for eyes.

Six stones, shining brightly like jewels.

A burning building, and a girl with brown hair, sobbing.

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