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❝ midtown high ❞


"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." Natasha clenched the rail, her eyes moving up to Tony. The genius nodded slowly, knowing what it was like. No, that was a lie. He could never know what it was like for a 14-year-old girl to watch her brother die. "She's only a kid, Tony."

"I know." Eyes closing, he cleared his throat. He had been through his own trauma, so thankfully, he knew how to help. But the battle within the girl was all up to her. "I made a suit for her."

"Tony." The redhead woman didn't know if she liked the idea of her daughter being in a confined space if she had an attack.

"Hear me out," He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "It'll help. Trust me. We don't know if there'll be another threat. Plus, it's time for her to officially become an Avenger."

Natasha snapped. Her head whipped towards the man, finger pointing at him threateningly. "She's 14! How can she be a hero when she's barely started high school?!"

"You know it's what she wants!" It was true. They all knew it. Ana wanted to be a hero. As fun as being the 'girl in the chair' was, she didn't train for years just to not be put on the field. "Why do you think I made the suit?"

The spy sighed. Tony was right. The mother wanted to hold on to her child's innocence for longer, but she knew that after the events of Sokovia, she couldn't hold her back anymore. Natasha nodded, finally agreeing, thanking the billionaire.

Meanwhile, Anya Rushman was starting her first day of high school. A sleek, black car, probably Tony's, pulled up to the curb of the school. The red-haired girl stepped out of the vehicle, her silver tips swaying in the slight breeze. The driver's window rolled down, revealing none other than Sam Wilson.

"Knock 'em off their feet, Kiddo." He encouraged, saluting the girl with two fingers. She saluted back, a ghost of a smile on her face. Sam drove off, leaving Ana to her thoughts as she faced the building.

Midtown School of Science and Technology.

Now, she was no Tony Stark, but she considered herself smart enough to earn a scholarship at this school. To be fair, with the Tony Stark and Bruce Banner as her tutors, it wasn't that hard. Anastasia- No, Anya, bit her lip nervously. With the help of the Avengers reputation, she had put down her name as Anya Rushman on the school's files, in order to avoid getting discovered as either Natasha's daughter or the Imperial Grand Duchess of Russia.

She walked up the stone stairs leading to the glass doors, admiring the red bricks that made up the walls. Anya took the last step, finding herself right before the entrance when suddenly, she was falling.

A figure had bumped into her from the side, causing the redhead to lose her balance and stumble. Thankfully, the same figure had turned around and grabbed Anya's arm before she hit the ground. They pulled the girl up, a sheepish smile on their face.

"Sorry about that," They apologised. Anya took the time to examine the person before her. A girl around her age, with blonde hair and turquoise eyes. "I'm Gwen Stacy, a freshman."

"Anya. Anya Rushman. Also a freshman." She could cross off making friends from her list. The girls smiled at each other, when a third person appeared from the stairs near them.

"Gwen, you walk way too fast." She had raven-black hair and brown irises.

"This is Cindy Moon. Cindy, this is Anya." Gwen introduced the two, and they nodded at each other. "Great, now our trio is established!"

Anya quirked a brow, confused. "Trio?"

"She's obsessed with creating a stereotypical high school life," Cindy explained, rolling her eyes at her friend. The red-haired girl laughed, nodding along.

Then, Anya caught movement from the corner of her eye. She turned, watching a brown-haired boy smile brightly at the boy next to him. His eyes held so much innocence and happiness. Like a deer.

"Oh, I heard he lost his parents when he was a kid." The Russian pursed her lips at the blonde's words. Why was he so... happy? How could someone be so joyful when their family was taken from them? Did he not know what it was like? Then again, he hadn't experienced something like Anya had. Still, she decided she did not like him. Her lips pulled up into her signature smirk, one she inherited from her mother.

"What's his name?"

"Peter Parker."


aaaand, CUT THE CHECK!

that's it for the first book *sobs* I'll remember the pain and suffering i went through while writing red :") I'll miss you my child *sniffs*

until next book,


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