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❝ adventure time ! ❞


"She's still in shock. Be careful when you talk to her. She could lash out." Natasha turned to glare at the S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

"Ana's not a violent animal, so don't treat her like she is." The woman growled, causing the agent to nod frantically and leave the room.

The girl still sat on the hospital bed, staring at her hands with a blank look in her eyes. She no longer suffered from her attack, but had just learned that Fury was dead. And she couldn't do anything to help. Instead, all she did was break down and cry! Stupid, stupid Ana! She shut her eyes, concealing her brown irises as the sight of Fury's limp body flashed in her mind.

"Ana," She looked up at the sound of her name, tears welling up in her eyes as Natasha stood before her. Ana reached out, wanting to find comfort after what she had experienced. To seek comfort in a former assassin, whose own hands had killed, strangled, maimed, it was idiotic to try. But Natasha wasn't just that. The woman didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the girl, petting her hair and circling her thumb on her back. Natasha wanted to tell her. To tell her that she wasn't alone – that her mother was right in front of her. But she didn't know how.

"Natasha," Ana started softly. The hero hummed in response. Oh, how she wanted to hear her daughter call her mom, or mamulya. "Why did they die?"

A sharp pain stabbed Natasha in her chest. Suddenly, she was taken back to 2004, with the same girl in her arms as of this moment. They died because of her. She led them to their deaths, because she fell in love.

"I don't know, sweetheart." She crouched down to face Ana directly. God, she looked so much like her, but also, so much like him. "But I think HYDRA was trying to find something of yours, and your family's."

Ana seemed to accept this answer. After all, the organisation had tried to get information from her through her new ability to communicate with her dead family. She wanted to kill HYDRA. She wanted to kill Rasputin. They took everything from her, and she didn't know fully why. They had killed Fury, one of her first friends, and she couldn't function properly enough to hear his last words. Then she remembered.

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