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❝ killer robots ❞


The tower was filled with people, dressed fancily yet fashionably, glasses of champagne or wine in their hands. Except for Ana.

The girl was dressed in a white, long-sleeved sundress, red strawberries decorating the cloth. Its hem stopped right above her knees, and had a ribbon around the waist. Her hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders, half of her red locks braided to create a crown around her head. The rest of her hair was curled slightly, its colour standing out against the white of the dress.

In her hand was a tall glass of apple juice, a pink and white striped straw in between her glossy lips. Eyelashes coated with a layer of black and warm brown eyes lined with a wing, from the makeup she stole from her mother, Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova looked absolutely stunning for a young girl.

And the young girl sat on a cushioned stool at the bar, currently sipping her juice slowly as Natasha attempted to flirt with Bruce. Ana didn't mind that the woman was attempting to find a lover, since she deserved to move on after what happened with her father. What she did mind, was the fact that the flirting always seemed to happen in front of her, which proved to be quite awkward for the girl. She liked Bruce, but she always wanted to cringe whenever the two interacted intimately.

Then, Natasha left the bar, a drink in her hand and a smirk on her face. Ana blinked as her mother walked away without glancing at her. As if she had forgotten about her. The girl knew this wasn't the case, but it still hurt when she was left alone. Steve, noticing the solemn look on the teenager's face, walked up to her and Bruce, wearing a soft smile.

"It's nice." The blonde started, not sure how to talk to Ana. He decided to approach Bruce instead.

"What? What- What is?" He stuttered back, eyes shifting from the red-haired girl to the hero. She had just finished her apple juice, staring at the bottom of the cup with a frown.

"You and Romanoff." Steve replied, as if it were obvious.

Ana's frown deepened. She turned her head to the two men as she lifted herself off the stool. "No offense, Bruce, but no, it isn't. I've seen enough of my mom flirting with Avengers in my lifetime."

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