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❝ the avengers! ❞


Anya clutched the beige folder to her chest, not going unnoticed by the man. He rose a brow, stepping into the room and closer to the girl. "That does not belong to you, Anya."

"You sold them out!" A fire raged in Anya's eyes, her face almost as red as her hair. The vein in Rasputin's forehead began to show as he grit his teeth. The red-haired princess tightened her hold on the folder.

"There's an explanation for everything, Princess."

"I do not need any more explaining."

"I was hoping it would not end this way." Rasputin lunged at her, but Anya had seen it coming. Despite the evil organisation they were, the girl had to thank them for the training. She jumped onto the table the moment he moved forward, stepping onto his head and launching herself out the door. Rasputin cried out, alerting the HYDRA agents.

Running around in the palace's hallways seemed to have paid off, Anya realised as she evaded each agent. She had no idea which direction she was heading – but she knew she had to get out. Thankfully, luck was on her side as she pushed open a door, the chilling air of St. Petersburg meeting her skin. The uniform HYDRA gave her did not do much to fight against the cold, but the adrenaline in Anya's veins kept her blood rushing.

It seemed like the facility was located in a secluded area around St. Petersburg, as there were no civilians around. Anya didn't know where to go. So, she just kept running.

That is, until she was knocked over. Fearing it was HYDRA, she began to scream, opening her mouth. But no sound came out. Anya furrowed her eyebrows at the man above her, a bow in his hand. He didn't look HYDRA. No, while the crest was a skull with tentacles, the man represented a bird of some sort. He was not HYDRA.

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