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❝ the vision ? ❞


Pietro had knocked the robot over, before Wanda blocked his path and Ana's sisters held down each of Ultron's arms.

"What choice do we have?" The brunette's words slipped out coolly, her eyes stabbing knives into the robot. The latter turned around and shot a blast at Pietro, becoming free of Olga and Tatiana's ghostly hold. Thankfully, Alexandra pushed the boy out of the way, the shot burning a hole through the front of the train.

Ultron flew off through the side door, leaving the train to continue without its driver. Steve jumped from the carriage to the driver's compartment, the latter unconscious. He turned to the three, his eyes softening at the sight of Anastasia, alive and well. The train shook, having gone off the rails.

"Civilians in our path." Pietro sped off as Steve turned to Wanda and Ana. "Can you stop this thing?"

The older of the two sent her wisps into the train, weaving themselves around the wheels. The redhead placed her palms against the floor, spectral light creating a protective barrier over the entire train. It came to a screeching stop, both girls stepping out and rushing towards Pietro.

"I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." He sat back, trying to recover the air into his lungs. Steve walked up to the three, a hard expression on his face.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one."

"Steve." Ana warned, protective of her new friends. She knew the Avengers wouldn't accept them easily, but she wasn't going to back down without a fight. Wanda voiced out her concern for the cradle, to which Steve replied that Tony would take care of it. This caused the three enhanced to shift uncomfortably. Ana loved the man and all, but would he really fix the thing he created and turned against them?

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"


"I'm gonna say this once." The soldier stepped into the lab, the twins and Ana behind him. The red-haired girl gasped at the sight of the wires connecting the cradle to the computers. Tony really was trying to create the Vision. "Shut it down!"

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