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❝ the maximoffs ❞


That was all Anastasia felt when she woke up. Her head was throbbing and her throat felt dry. Maybe the water Tony had given her was actually tequila.

She opened her eyes, trying to make sense of her location. It was dark and cold, with barely any light peeking through the windows. It must have been night time. She looked up at the ceiling, noticing its intricate detailing before it came to her. A church. Ultron had taken her to an abandoned church. Sitting up, her eyes scanned the area, looking for exits, before they landed on the figure in front of her.

"What do you want from me?" The words left her lips harshly and icily. Ultron turned his head to her, a sinister smile on his non-existent lips.

"Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova," She didn't like how her name sounded coming from him. His eyes were beady and red. "I know all about your abilities."

Suddenly, Ana was taken back to the first time her powers had come to her. She had seen Ultron in her vision.

A metal man with red lights for eyes.

Fear began to seep into her heart, but she tried her best not to show it. The girl hardened her expression, her voice cold. "And?"

"You're a great use to the Avengers if they want to defeat me. That's why I need you to help me defeat them."

Anastasia scoffed. Help him? The robot from her nightmares? Defeat her family? "You're crazy if you think I'll help you."

"Oh, no, not directly. But they won't know what happens if you're not there to tell them." So, that was the reason. Because Ana had the power to let the Avengers know what Ultron was planning, where he would be, and what he would do. She clenched her jaw, opening her mouth to retort when two people entered the cathedral.

Ana's eyes widened and she suppressed her gasp. It was the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro. As she watched them confront Ultron, she realised that she recognised Wanda from her visions as well.

A burning building, and a girl with brown hair, sobbing.

The girl was Wanda. Then her eyes glowed gold, trying to look at Pietro's future. For research purposes, the girl would reason, not because she thought he was attractive. No, that was absurd.

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