The Richardsons

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Thank you sugalove264

"It's a farmhouse" (pic above)

I stood there dumbfounded looking at the miles-long greenery with nothing else in sight except a white two-story house sitting in the middle of it all.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Connor grinned looking around him with glee.

I looked at him confused. "But why here?"

He turned his eyes on me and seeing my expression his smile died down a bit.
"Weren't you worried about Roman finding you back at our place? Well, now he can't even imagine in his wildest dreams that you are living in the middle of nowhere. Trust me, this place is the private property of my family and you can't find it on any map."

Honestly, that is not even a normal house but a mini mansion and we have been seeing nothing but green fields for past hour of our ride. If that all area is his property then fuck...

How rich is he?

Wait! It's his family's.

"Who is your family, anyway?" I asked out of curiosity because I surely haven't heard much about McKnight's being in big leagues.

"Richardson, of course," he said immediately with a mild pride in his voice however, seconds later his expressions changed from smiling to surprised.
He said something he shouldn't have and I am now more than just intrigued with that answer.

"Richardson? But your last name is McKnight... isn't it?" He slipped and I know I got him there seeing the expression of his face. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and even if his temple muscles weren't throbbing, I could see his cogs working.

He turned to me completely with a guilty face. "I guess I'll have to tell you now." He mumbled stealing his eyes.

"Tell me what?" I faked being confused with his words.

He rubbed the back of his neck and it was clear he was trying to find the correct set of words.
"Let's get inside and then we'll talk. It's gonna get dark soon."

He gestured to the house and started walking towards it. I watched him as he took small steps taking his sweet time, no doubt spinning a sound explanation for his slip up.

I looked at the setting sun taking its last breaths. It took an entire day to reach this place, this farmland where's no other human soul is in sight except us. The destination in the novel he said during the car ride, and out of all the exotic places in the book, he decided to take us here just like the runaway queen. Maybe that was the similarity that urged Connor to choose this place, after all, that Queen was running away from his husband.

A gust of cold wind had goosebumps erupting all over my exposed skin. It must get quite chilly at night without the heat of the city.

"You coming or not?" Connor's voice caught my attention as he stood on the main porch.

"Yea," I replied starting my walk towards the house. He disappeared right inside leaving the door open.
So, Richardson huh...

I have heard about Richardson's before. They are an influential and powerful family descending from colonial times. They are not rich like modern-day businessmen but their ancestral wealth is more distributed among family members, sort of like a clan or something.

If Connor's is right about being a Richardson then damn fuck... I am fucking a super-rich fuckboi or a lover even though we aren't official yet.

As I stepped inside a pleasant smell hit my senses, something like a mix of roses and fresh paint. Closing the door behind me I walked further in, ending up what seems like the living room.

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