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Pic as Connor

Chopping up the vegetables, Evan was deep in his thoughts that he never realized the soup boiling over the pot and falling all over the stove. The hissing sound as the liquid touched the hot metal made him come out of his thoughts and took his attention to the mess and at that very moment, the sharp blade made contact with his skin. Hissing and cursing at the sudden pain, he hurriedly put his bleeding finger in his mouth, sucking up the blood while switching off the heat with his other hand. Wiping the soup with his free hand using the kitchen cloth, he threw it in the washing sink.

Frustration builds in his mind, unconsciously finding excuses to blame the accidents on something and when it did find one it only worsened his mood, a sullied feeling settling in his stomach. Leaving the food as it is, he hastily walked towards the bathroom, flicked the light switch on and opened the cabinet below the basin to take out the first aid kit.

Patching up the wound and taking a mental note to get an injection of tetanus later he stood up from his position on the ground his eyes taking up the face emerging from below in the mirror. The rim of his eyes was red and a dark patch of skin rested below it but Evan was not someone to cry, no for him it takes a lot to shed tears and the matter was not something that was forced upon him. He accepted it and somewhere he was as nervous about it as excited. The only thing bothering him though was one question "Is he not enough?" A four-word question is so quick to wonder and ask but the meaning of it is so heavy and deep that it can cost some people everything.

But before he got the chance to be depressed while thinking about it again the sound of the door lock opening and then followed by the door hinges creaking as they rotated took his attention away. Walking out he sped towards the living room to look up at the very person he loved from the very being of himself. As their eyes met they crinkled up in smiles, maybe his lovers a bit more than his. As the warm arms embraced him hugging him close to the body and smell he has grown familiar with, he couldn't help but sigh quietly to himself.

"How was your day?" the voice that used to give him goosebumps earlier whispered in his ear. Surprisingly it was only now he noticed that there were no goosebumps or knots in his stomach as their skins made contact. In fact, it was as ordinary as it has been for some time now. Answering the question with a simple 'good' he pulled himself away. Merging up a small smile he directed him slightly towards the stairs. "Go change, I'll set up the dinner."

Daniel nodded and walked towards the stairs with a small smile but came to a sudden halt, turning around he looked seriously into Evan's eyes and mumbled the words that remind him of something he has been thinking about all day and was desperately trying to avoid.

"You made the dinner for three, right?" Evan stood as silent and still as a statue.

Moments later which was actually not even two seconds, he nodded so lightly that it was unseen to the eyes not paying attention to it. Daniel looked at him with a slight frown not getting the sudden down behaviour of Evan but satisfied with his nod he climbed up the stairs with a slight jump in his feet where the slow walk of Evan to the kitchen felt like dragging a bag full of boulders.

The house was silent of any sound except the clink-plank of crockery and cutlery and Daniel's light singing coming down the stairs from the bedroom. Evan noticed the cheery mood and his own sullen a bit more many questions taking birth every second and if he dares to say some suspicions coming to confirmation. As he put the last cover on the steaming pot the silence was disturbed by the ringing of the doorbell catching both the men's attention.

A chill ran down Evan's spine, the shrill sound vibrating in his every nerve. Daniel was still upstairs probably changing since he didn't descend the stairs, Evan had no choice but to open the door himself and with heavy steps that made him feel like his slippers are made of iron, he walked to the door. His hand touching the doorknob jerked back suddenly as he felt a sudden electric shock run through him, Evan looked confused at his hand turning and clenching it as if he has lost his mind. Holding the knob again with the care he turned it to open the door when a sudden alien feeling overwhelmed him making him pause for a second or two. What was it?

Shaking the dread and the feel he opened the heavy door and what stood beyond it made him stand there like a dumb duck. Evan suddenly felt the loss of any energy in his body, his legs felt lifeless and so does his mind, empty, void of any thought. Dirty blonde hair cropped from both sides, steel grey eyes, angular face and a sharp jawline with a light dusting of stubble, his perfect set of shining white teeth and full red lips grinning at him.

A surge of desire originating somewhere below his stomach spread throughout his body, a sense of warmth made his ears and neck red and palms sweaty.

"Hi! I am Connor McKnight. If I am not wrong you are Evan?" That voice was so rough but it came out so smoothly that each syllable strung a tingling sensation at the bottom of Evan's spine.

"Yeah, come in" His own voice came out hoarse and low.

"Thanks." Connor looked at Evan with bright eyes and stepped in passing him allowing closing the door. Both men caught the whiff of each other's scent and to say they didn't like it would be a big fat lie.

Connor followed Evan to the living room his eyes occasionally shifting to the two perfect round mounds and having no shame in doing so. Both the men know why he is here and there is no meaning in hiding it. Though Connor sure hit the jackpot looking at Evan but is kept wondering why someone is looking outside at all when they have someone like Evan in their house. He smirked slightly remembering the phrase 'Swords always fall in the hands of a monkey' Anyway good for him.

"Have a seat," Evan said turning to look at him.

"Thanks," Connor said sitting down on the sofa, his eyes roaming around the house taking in the details. One thing he noted is whoever decorated this house had a very similar taste to his own.

"What would you like to drink Tea, coffee or beer?" Evan asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Ahh... A beer would be good." Connor replied smiling. He felt odd who offers beer as a welcome drink?"

Moments later he was handed a chilled beer. "Thanks, nice house btw,"

His compliment was returned with a smile. "Thank you; I took great pains to decorate it myself," Evan said looking around with a coffee cup in his hand.

"Ahh," Connor made a slight approving sound and for some reason, he liked it, the fact that it was Evan who decorated the house pleased him.

Both men smiled at each other for a split second before taking sips of their separate drinks and looking away.

It was slightly uncomfortable sitting in awkward silence. Evan was completely blank on what to talk about as he is not much of a socialite and his earlier hesitance on the issue and this newly found attraction wasn't going well with him. He was too confused to decide where to begin and despite his natural confidence in dealing with the matters related to his heart this time he decided to skip on it and get his erratic mind to settle down with his knowledge, "Well... If you don't mind me asking then how did you and Daniel meet? I know you both are good friends but coming to this arrangement. I just wanna know for my own curiosity and that is if you don't mind."

Connor was busy drinking his beer and looking around the house with occasional glimpses at his host his mind was occupied with his own thoughts and maybe some fantasies but hearing the question something flashed in Connor's eyes like he was waiting for this question all along.

[A/N]: Hey, guys this is a new story and has been on my mind for a very long time. I finally got the time to write it.

Do tell me how you like it...Updates will be slow and may take time with Call Me your Reject going on the side.

Vote. Comment. Please.

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