The Venus and The Sun

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Connor stepped back unexpectedly, creating a space of few feet between us. I looked at him with a frown and his reply came in the form of a small evil smirk.

"Runaway Evan, run now when you still got the chance."


He chuckled.
"Your expression tells me as if I have said something in French. And even if I did you would still be able to understand so you do know what I am saying."

"I...I don't und-"

"-understand? Typical of you.  Whenever you are faced with a confrontation, or a problem the best solution you have is to run away. It was in the days of our school life, in college and even at this stage of life. You really don't remember or should I help you?"

"No... I.. never. You don't know what you're talking about Sa-  Connor. And honestly, what do you know about my life, if we are talking about running away from things then it was you who disappeared without a trace."

Connor stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face, hoping for a comeback from him I braced myself but I only got a shake of a head in return.

"Still living in your illusions as always." His stare returned back to me "Don't waste time Evan, for once I don't have enough patience to wait longer. I will have to chase and capture you again so run along now."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you sick or something? You are not making sense at all, Connor. Yes, I know you are Samuel. Yes, this may change things but why would I be running away?

Why would I be leaving without the answers to all the questions?"

I don't know what if I said something wrong or hit a nerve but I am right, right? There are so many things left unsaid when I know who he is and yet he keeps talking insane bullshit. I have never run away from him. He was my best friend and yes things may have fallen between us in the starting of high school but it was never that bad. We would still see each other in the hallways or exchange pleasantries. I never ran away from him! It was him instead who disappeared suddenly one day, granted I didn't notice it right away since we weren't actively talking but gradually I noticed his absence in the school.

A malicious expression flashed through Connor's face, "I am sick?" He scoffed
"I am the one who is not making sense, huh? Is it really me who is spouting nonsense, Evan? Was it me or you who ran away on that day in the school? Or was it you who ran away each and every time I tried reaching you? I tried telling you about how I feel, I tried to mend my mistake by taking my words back and what did you DO!" 

His scream at the end made me jump in fear, Connor looks absolutely maddening at the moment. I looked at the door still open at my side planning for an escape. I don't know what Connor is capable of, I have never seen him this out of control.

He probably followed my line of sight.
"Don't even think about it, you take one step towards it and I'll break both of your fucking legs." Connor gritted out his words.

I gasped out at his threat a chill settling down my spine.

"Since, you don't want to remember yourself then let me help you with it." In a series of quick steps, Connor was standing facing me, his both hands grabbing mine and pulling me away towards the couch resting in the corner of the room. Roughly pushing me to take a seat he stood between my legs preventing any attempt to escape.

His eyes bore into mine as I looked at his wild expressions. Earlier he didn't seem like the Samuel I remember from my past and at this moment he doesn't resemble the Connor I know for the past few months. This was some complete stranger that I've never met before and truthfully he scares me, I don't know what is going through his head and my intuitional abilities are cowering so far deep down that I can't feel them anywhere let alone in my stomach.

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