Shopping Coincidences

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Pic as Austin-------->

"Why don't you and Aahan visit us tomorrow for dinner? It has been some time." Evan asked sipping his coffee.

"Okay, I'll talk to him though it depends on him if he is free from all the Claire drama. Where will you be going after here by the way?"

"Grocery shopping, I need to buy some stuff."

"Can you buy something for me?"

"What are you twelve?"

"No... Not in that way. Aahan gave me this list in the morning of grocery but you know how I am like with shopping and stuff."

"Yeah... I know but don't you shop for your bakery?"

"Well mostly Riva does it but I try sometimes and look I saw Roman at Gilbert Street and there is no shop for the bakery material from there to next three blocks." Evan couldn't get how a man hates shopping so much to degrade their own intelligence.

"Yeah, that says something." However, something else caught his attention.

"He was at Gilbert Street?" Steven looked up at him from his platter of baked goods.

"Yeah, why?" Steven has a vague idea of what's going in his mind.

"No reason"

"You sure?" Evan nodded to Steven asking with raised brows.

"I am leaving; call me after talking to Aahan." Evan got up putting his laptop back in his bag.

"Okay and Evan don't you go running off to Gilbert street looking for him, he wouldn't be there anyway and the last thing you'd want is for Roman to know you live in the same city," Steven warned knowing how Evans mind works.

"I wouldn't, promise," Evan replied assuredly and the mini bell ringed once again as he left the shop and the warmth that comes with it.

The weather got chilly after the rain and the roads were a bit barren of the traffic due to the light drizzle. Evan waited for a taxi to arrive as his mind went into overdrive.

'But what if he has already found him? Why would he be at Gilbert Street? Daniel's office is there could he be following him, keeping an eye on him? Then Daniel has nothing to do with all that happened, it's all in the past he couldn't be here after all these years just to take revenge on him right? But Austin has turned into a mad monster last time he checked on him so who says it is any different now.

"Taxi" Evan hailed seeing a cab and asked to drop him at the megastore.

Evan still carries the marks left by Austin to prove how violent he can get at least for him. He liked when they were only scratch marks on his back but he didn't like them when they turned into bruised purple wounds. Evan was so stupid to fall for him in the first place, men like Austin are really unpredictable and that is what attracted Evan to him. He still carried the impressions from his last relationship but with Austin even though it was just friends with benefits at first but his caring personality and positive attitude made him feel secure and safe. And Evan was lonely and hurt a perfect recipe for falling in love.

He still remembers the humiliation he felt when he was rejected by Austin in front of the entire college. He vowed to never cross paths with him again and for the whole year, he followed his brain more than his stupid, idiotic and careless heart until one day at the end of the semester and his college days Austin approached him again.

He said he felt really guilty for hurting Evan like that and wants to be in a relationship with him, to see where things go and at that time it was the stupidest thing Evan ever heard. He retaliated quite harshly and refused to even see Austin ever again.

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