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[A/N]: A very small warning, please do not skip the lyrics mentioned further down the chapter. They are not a song but dialogues written by me only for the sake of this book. They are an essential part of the story and help to deliver the emotions and make the context move further.
Happy Reading! 😚

The next morning was sort of weird, to say the least. Evan was silent, unusually silent and Connor seemed to be bothered about something. Neither of them noticed the out of ordinary behaviour of the other, especially after the events of yesterday.

Boyfriends, that's what they are now and yet the distance between them was saying otherwise.

For Evan, he was lost in his thoughts about a missing dream that he just can't seem to remember. A very strong gut feeling was telling him that whatever the dream was about it was very important. Something he should know about, something that he should remember at all cost and yet all his attempts were reaping no results. No matter how hard he pushes his millions of neurons to form that connection again and bring him a deja vu, unfortunately, all he was starting to get was a migraine.

Connor on the other hand was MIA since their breakfast. Evan wasn't very worried considering the house was huge and he could be in any part of it doing things.
What thing?

Evan stopped with whatever he was doing and listened to the eerie silence. Weird he thought. There wasn't even a single noise except the songs of nature fluttering through the open windows.
The storm last night was strong enough to shake the wilderness outside and its wild residents were in constant repair work of their wrecked homes.

Evan ventured outside wondering if Connor is outside doing some repair just like their wild neighbours but when he got out he heard nothing and saw no one.
He turns back in towards the bedroom hoping Connor was fulfilling his leftover sleep but alas the bedroom was empty too.
His next destination was the bathroom, living room and even the garage but finding them all vacant of a particular man's presence Evan stood lost in the kitchen. There were other rooms in the house but for some reason, he didn't felt at ease venturing into them alone.

But then Evan remembered something and shook his head at his idiocy. He walked back to the bedroom picking up his mobile phone.

He should have called Connor in the first place instead of running around the place like an idiot.

He dialled the number with Connor's name but an alert message made him groan with frustration.


He looked at the small bars on the screen to see none. How far away from the population they were?

House phone! There should be a house phone somewhere around. If the mobile phones don't get a network here then those things are the only way to communicate.

Walking back into the living room he searched for it all around, the kitchen and the garage also got a second visit but not a single device was found through which he can make any communication whatsoever to anyone at all let alone Connor.

Taking a seat on the plush sofa Evan's cogs started working in overdrive. All sorts of thoughts were running wild in his brain and not a single one of them was a good one.

Shaking his head at his stupidity he couldn't help but want to smash his head into the wall.

And as another realization dawned upon him he realised the deepness of the shit he had ended up in.

The fucking Car! He never noticed that the bloody garage was empty. The car they came in was gone.
Has Connor left him here alone? Or maybe he is thinking too much.
Maybe Connor went somewhere important, a business emergency or maybe something else.

My Boyfriend's Lover (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now