The Changed: Part IV

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"Welcome to the Carnival," Connor said amused imitating a radio jockey style of a morning show.

"Are you freaking serious?" Evan asked looking at the huge rides and the smell of delicious food in the humid air. The rain hasn't stopped and continued as a light drizzle making everything appear and feel magical.

However, it didn't take Evan long to figure out something wrong with the place. He turned to look at Connor who knew what was coming immediately.

"Is this some kind of joke Connor? The place is barren and the park is closed." He said gesturing to the empty place deprived of any human presence at all.

Connor chuckled slightly walking closer to Evan "I know and that is because the place isn't open for the common folks yet. Though the place is up and running however all this week the weather has been bad so they decided to open it a few days later when the skies will be clearer.

And I know you are a pluviophile, so I thought why not enjoy this place first on our own." Connor nudged him softly with his shoulder.

"Okay so if it is closed for everyone then how are we going to get inside? We aren't exactly VIPs." Evan asked again.

"Oh uhh... My friend is the owner of this place and we were talking about things earlier when he mentioned the carnival and this idea popped up to me so I asked him if we could visit it before it is opened for other people and he said yes so here we are."

Evan still looked at him in doubt. The reason was too simple and at the same time too fake sounding but he had no point or argument against it. He doesn't wanna hurt the guy by probing into the matter too much when the other lad has gone to such lengths for this day.

"Fine then if you say so, let's step into the wonderland. I want to enjoy everything this place has to offer." Evan said nodding to himself and Connor found it adorably cute. Though it is nothing new for him as in the past couple of days everything about the short man is either cute or beautiful to him.

Walking to the closed gates Connor told his name and they both got the entry just like that. On the other side though the picture was completely different than what he witnessed outside. The place was bustling with energy and people and looking at their casual and somewhat dirty attires Evan figured that almost all of them were the staff working here.

"So, where do you want to start?" Evan looked around hearing Connor's question and he was so excited by everything that it was becoming a hard decision for him.

"I... I don't even know. Why don't you pick something, to begin with, and we'll see from there." Evan said leaving the stress of decision on Connor. He doubts that there is anything in here that he wouldn't enjoy.

Connor stood there thinking for a moment before pointing to a stand. "Let's start with the classic, what about that one?" Evan looked in the direction Connor was pointing at and it was the booth of throwing balls at the aim to get the prize. He scoffed thinking if every booth here is this cliché then he is surely going back home loaded with gifts.

"Okay," he nodded as both men walked towards the booth to start their fun time.

An hour later, Evan wasn't as pleased as he was before and his earlier thought of going home loaded with prizes and toys had also driven away to another continent. Out of all the games they had played sadly Evan only managed to win a small teddy bear, a kiddy water gun and a bar of chocolate in which out of three, the teddy bear was won by Connor.

Not feeling up to more humiliation in front of him, Evan decided it was time for the carnival rides, and just thinking about them had his inner kid come out popping like fireworks. The Ferris wheel was obviously the last in the list and before that, there was some variety of rides that he has never seen before.

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