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Thankfully, Connor calmed down by the time I came back and his attention was taken by the food now more than me.

With all the time we have spent together, it turned out there are more than enough interests that we share and food is one of them. Eating and cooking both are our equal passion and while our pallet taste is different yet one thing we both agree on is spices. I read somewhere that 'spices do for tongue what colours do for eyes.'

By the time I was back dressed into a black and white striped shirt and grey pyjamas, Connor was almost done with the food.

While he gave the finishing touches to the freshly baked chicken by pouring the steaming sauce over it, I picked out the plates and utensils to set on the tabletop.

However, as he put the pot on the table a blinding flash took our attention outside. Followed by the light seconds later was the thunder and then water drops were blurring the glass window.

Connor and I shared a look, matching grins gracing our lips. Rain, another one of our shared interest as we both have a love-hate relationship with it. I am a pluviophile and a Cancerian so water and rain go hands in hands with me but I had my worst experiences in this same weather. An entire night of me soaking wet on a road and then being admitted to a hospital the next day isn't something you could easily erase from your mind.

We settled down for the dinner, the sound of falling raindrops working as the backdrop in the silence of the house.

"Connor, if you don't mind me asking and since you mentioned, I would like to know more about your mom.

You never talked about her in all the time we have been together and she sounds like a wonderful person from what little you told." I couldn't help but ask about her. I do have a faint doubt about her whereabouts at the moment seeing the shift in Connor's tone when he mentioned her or how there is no photo in his house.

He didn't reply seemingly in deep thought as he chewed his food extra slow.

A flash quickly followed by another has me taking quick glances outside at the worsening weather. I wonder if it's more a storm than simple rain.

"Mom isn't with us anymore. She passed away a year ago." I looked back at him as he is looking outside the window too.

"I am sorry," I know what it feels like to lose your parent.
He shook his head slightly before looking at me.

"It's alright, she was happy in her last moments and went without any pain. It was a cardiac arrest so I can assume she is in heaven now.

Honestly, you would have liked her and she would have liked you too. After dad and she separated and I came under her care there was a lot of pressure on her. Suddenly, she was a single parent with a teenage boy and all the expenses that come with it, even though dad offered to take care of my part of the expense but she and I refused the offer.

Thankfully, mom was a woman of many skills and talents and it took her no time to find a well-paying job. I ended up doing a part-time job too after school to help her with the bills.

And as I told you I opened my own business later which helped us a lot. Mum and I were earning more than enough and had a stable life.

But after I took over as the new heir, mum started encountering problems within dad's family. It became important for her to attend all the family gatherings and other ladies of the house didn't take kindly to me defeating their sons in the race to power.

Mum was strong but the sharp and bitter words and dad's indifference to them started taking a toll on her as her health started to deteriorate, having enough of the bullshit I shifted the HQ of my company here in this city far away from the house of Richardsons.

My Boyfriend's Lover (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now