Night Of Storms

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Evan in pic - - - - - - - >^

"We met through a common friend. I don't know if you know Chloe?"

Evan nodded a bad taste settling in his mouth. Of course, it is Chloe, for some reason they never got along.

"A few months ago she and I were out drinking as she had asked me to keep her company and there I met Daniel.

It started out as a normal conversation between us but as we came to know each other more we realized the common things and thoughts we share."

Okay, now he remembers why he doesn't like Chloe, that bitch is always doing something to break him and Daniel.

Evan is a Cancerian, very good at reading people and his intuitions are mostly at the point but at the moment he was having difficulty reading the person sitting in front of him. Connor was giving no indication of how he felt for Daniel. Is it just sexual attraction or something beyond that? Is he one of many attempts by Chloe to just break them apart or did he harbours some feelings of his own? Each and every possibility runs through Evan's mind like a math problem that he may never end up solving.

"Oh," the sound escaped him unintentionally as he stared at Connor absentmindedly too lost in his own thoughts but realizing how wrong it sounded Evan tried to cover it up.

"Sorry, what I meant is..."

"Hey, Connor" he was interrupted in between as Daniel came down the stairs with a smile, his hair was still wet and Evan can tell that he wasn't wearing anything below those pyjamas. It's not really hard for him since he knows how it looks bare.

Connor stood up responding to the hug initiated by Daniel. Evan couldn't help but notice the extended duration of the hug and how Connor took a deep breath and whispered very quietly in Daniels's ear to which he just smiled cockily.

Daniel got away from Connor and moved towards Evan sitting beside him where Connor returned to his own seat. "So, what you guys were talking about?"

Daniel asked with the same smile that just isn't disappearing at all.
And before Evan could say something Connor was the first to answer. "I was telling Evan how we met." Evan couldn't help but notice the eagerness at which Connor answered, watching from the corner of his eyes he noticed a frown appear on Daniel's face but it was gone in the very next.

Connor turned to Evan "As I was saying we began to know each other and after that, we met again of course through Chloe that is but after a few meetings we became good friends and went out sometimes for a drink or two.

And then one day it slipped my mouth that how I like a few extra things in my sexual life and a few days later he was asking me to join you guys.

So, that's how I am here."

Evan doesn't know who he is angry at Connor, Daniel or Chloe. Is it even anger or more probably frustration that Daniel had met Connor before him and probably done things with him? If there is one thing he knows for sure in this short time it is that he is attracted to Connor for his looks but this feeling he is getting seeing him is another thing altogether.

In spite of the conflicting thoughts, Evan had a very neutral look on his face like he was attentively listening to everything and even enjoying some parts but it was Daniel who was slightly on edge and fiddled with his fingers quite many times in such short duration.

Living with someone for a year or two and also as lovers make you know a person from many places. And these movements didn't go unnoticed by Evan just like his bulge earlier.

"That's cool, I am happy you are here. We like to experiment with ourselves and our lives and I really hope you take pleasure in it as much as we'll do." Not in his habit but when needed Evan can be really smooth and quick when talking someone out of something.

"Amen to that," Connor grinned.

"We should start dinner, what say." Daniel looked at Connor and Evan almost standing up halfway.

Both men nodded with a slight hesitation and for a moment their eyes caught each other.

There was something off for sure and Evan can't deny that.

Following Daniel who sat on the head chair with Evan on his left and Connor on the right the dinner went uneventful, some common talks like where Connor is from and what does for a living are all that went on.

And soon half an hour later the three men were walking up the stairs to the main bedroom with the whole house engulfed in darkness except for the one room which was going to be occupied and extremely busy for that particular night.

As the night was still young and the people walking outside believed the people of the dark two-story house have gone to sleep it was unknown to many that destiny was changing its course for the three people inside and a few outsiders.

Similar to the writhing and rolling bodies on the bed in the house the storm clouds rolled in the sky outside and the moans and groans were covered by the roar of the lightning and thunder. As the heat increased inside and the turmoil of hormones reaches its peak winds outside picked up speed soon followed by a shower of rain. Both the storms kept up their dance till quite late in the morning of the next day and it was only when an hour or two was left before sunrise that the sky cleared and the wretched silence settled.

Morning came and the sun rays filtered through the window glass and then through the gap in curtains fell on Evan's face. His eyebrows scrunched up and then with some sudden movements of his eyes under the closed lids, they snap open.

Usually, it takes some time for the sleeping person to remember his whereabouts but that's not the case with him and that is for one due to the foreign feeling of touch on his back and a very naked and muscular back in his sight.

In a mere fraction of a second, the events of last night flashed before his eyes and they widen with every passing moment.

He knows that back like the back of his hand.

He has caressed and licked that mole on the shoulder hundreds of times, it is Daniel facing away from him and the one hugging him is no other than Connor, his Boyfriend's probably new lover.

Wait... Connor wasn't only now his boyfriend's lover but his too if you call the last night anything but making love.

A lover was a big term, Evan knows that but last night he realized a few things.

One Daniel and Connor are not definitely just friends cause last night there was an obvious familiarity between them, their moves were synced they both knew what they were doing and there was no hesitation at all. Just with the very ease they were kissing and fondling each other, it was quite clear as day that it all had happened before... many times, the chemistry was just near perfect.

It probably explains the low sex drive of his boyfriend recently and the overtime.

And second, is that there is something wrong with Connor, he could feel it the moment the guy entered the house and it began to solidify last night. Daniel was obviously not his first but someone he liked more than in just a one-night stand way. There were feelings involved and why 'were' they are right now just Evan wasn't sure about the intensity of them, especially after last night.

The touches and caress of Connor ignited something in him that he never knew existed in him till last night. He had sex many times before but it was never this...

What should be the right word... satisfying, fulfilling maybe pleasurable?

He doesn't know and in all honesty, instead of thinking how good it was with Connor he should be more concentrated on the fact that his boyfriend had been cheating on him for god knows how long. And instead of confessing it he brought his lover home and had sex with him right in front of him.

The nerve...

Although for some reason Evan wasn't feeling anything close to what he should. The anger, hurt, and jealousy all should be there boiling inside him like lava eating away his heart, melting his insides but they were not there. Could it be that Evan is used to it now? After all, it isn't his first time being hurt or betrayed. It all happened before more than once and now he doesn't care, he is too numb to feel it all again.

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