The Separation

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Connor felt the change in air the moment he stepped out of his room. The air was filled with a delicious smell wafting from the kitchen and the place had a subtle scent of floor cleaner in the background. Following his nose, Connor ended up in the kitchen from where a soft humming reached his ears, and a beautiful sight graced him. Evan was wearing the cute apron they bought on their first day of living together and he was twerking to whatever song he was playing in his mind.

Connor bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from laughing from the adorable sight. Evan was multi-tasking cooking and dancing both.

Evan noticed Connor standing in the doorway when he swirled on the spot holding a ladle in his hand. Their eyes met and the sparkle in Evan's eyes caught Connor off guard. It was a surprise to him compared to the incidents of the last night. He expected Evan locked up in his room for god knows how long and even if he'd ever step out sadness and broodiness was what he thought of experiencing, not this twerking unicorn spitting rainbows everywhere.

"Good Morning," the cheerful voice reached him attracting his attention.

"Very good morning, what is for breakfast? It smells amazing." Connor walked closer inside the kitchen and decided that if Evan is not going to acknowledge the incidents of the last night then he is also not going to probe into it.

On the other side, Connor is well aware that this bright sun could be a facade to hide the eclipsed moon inside that is hurting and damaging itself but Connor is not going to pull the moon out when Evan is trying so hard. There are other ways through which he can make sure that the hurting and pain stops and that is without being a pushover.

"Stuffed and stir-fried slices of flat bread with Spanish omelette and filter coffee." Evan chirped.

Connor raised his brows in wonder "Filter Coffee, what's that? I have never heard of that type of coffee before."

He watched as Evan worked hard to bring up the froth in the milk.

"Of course you haven't. You mentioned Indian cuisine yesterday so I decided to show you that it is a lot more than just spices. Filter coffee is a stronger version than a normal espresso and is native to the south of India. It is a bit hard to make without proper equipment but the result would keep you going for the entire day."

Evan learned about this coffee when he was writing a series of books and needed something that can keep him going for longer than a normal coffee cup does. He searched online and stumbled upon this coffee recipe that claimed it had more caffeine in it than a normal espresso cup. He tried it at home and after a few unsuccessful attempts, he had succeeded in getting a perfect cup of filter coffee.

Surprisingly, it worked and Evan got addicted to it over time.

"Wow, sounds good to me, I can't wait to try it.

Evan laughed "Just wait in the living room, I am almost done." He handed him two plates and turned him towards the doorway.

"Alright, but hurry up, I am starving." Connor walked out smiling but he didn't realise the impact of his words. Of course, he was starving because something interrupted their dinner plans last night and Evan too lost in himself didn't think about Connor going to the bed empty stomach.

The sadness hidden until now revealed himself on his face again just as outside the clouds covered the sun and the brightly lit living room turned to a darker shade. Connor got up from his seat and switched on the lights.

A couple of minutes later Evan walked in with plates in both his hands and after setting them up on the table he jogged back to get the two cups filled to the brim with the frothy coffee. Connor waited for Evan to return and on being handed over the steaming cup he first took the sip of the coffee.

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