Mutual Benefits

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Pic as Cafe ~~~~~>

"So, what do you think of him?" Evan took a bite of his chicken chewing it slowly.

"Hmm... seems like a nice lad to me, handsome, polite and visually very appealing and for the great part you were actually having starry eyes for him oppose to Daniel," Steven said stuffing his mouth with meaty goodness afterwards.

"Please can we not compare here, if my hunch is right then Connor would be the same age as me and that makes him young and more attractive if I dare say. Plus I already told you about the weird feelings around him that I don't get with Daniel anymore—"

"You never got them with Daniel actually" Steven interrupted gulping down.

"Ahh yeah you can say that but with Daniel, I started as good friends and then later explored sexual adventures which were, for the most part, depended on me actually liking his personality and knowing him a bit where with Connor I didn't even know the guy existed until a week or two ago and here I am asking to have sex with him just on my physical attraction. The difference is I am not using my brain with Connor as I did with Daniel."

"You did, really?" Steven asked faking surprise.

Evan gave him a deadpan look "Shut up and listen.

As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, you can't compare them because they both are different people at a different base of life with different problems and personalities. With Daniel, I am in control and even though I may feel something for him close to like not to love definitely not love with Connor I feel like losing that control for the first time after Austin. I am actually scared of falling for him and what worse is I don't even know him much and it is out of my control." Evan finished and looked at Steven who did the same and continue to stuff his mouth and so he continued

"I knew that I'll never fall for Daniel and that is why I agreed to go for live-in with him and I may care for him since we have been together for two years now BUT WITH Connor I am worried because it is so hard to resist him and I want to explore with him more. He ignites the pool of desires that were greatly untouched even by me. The excitement is something I want to feel again and this arrangement gives me that without changing anything." Evan watched as the guy keep nodding his head down and eating like he didn't have a meal for a week.

Steven looked up at Evan not speaking anymore but staring at him with a raised brow. Wiping his hands clean with a napkin he gulped down waiting for Evan to continue "Are you done now or will you say something?" Evan asked looking at the food.

"Am I allowed to?" Steven asked.

"Yes... "

Steven nodded "So, first I don't know if you are telling this all to me or to yourself even though it felt a lot like later and second let me get this straight for what I am getting through with your speech. You are saying that you like Connor at least physically and want to continue this uhh... whatever it is going on between you three and also continue living with Daniel for the security the guy who cheated on you with the said, Connor. Am I right or did I miss something?"

"No, I guess that is it."

"Okay, so it is my turn to ask you 'are you on crack or something'?" Evan rolled his eyes.

"First I asked you that at least a week ago so it doesn't apply anymore and I know... I know it sounds really adventurous—" Evan got cut in middle.

"Adventurous? It sounds crazy as fuck. Are you seriously going to live with a guy who is cheating behind your back and continue having sex with a stranger?" Steven looked at Evan like he couldn't believe it is the same guy he met this morning.

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