chapter 1

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"No please stop"
"Please" I screamed
"Shut-up slut" His voice said
As he placed his hands around my neck squeezing.
I couldn't breathe
My hands scraping at his pulling trying to get a tiny bit of air. My vision was going spotty.

I woke up gasping for air sweating. I sat their for a minute trying to calm my breathing. My mind still flashed with images of that nightmare. The feeling of his hands around my neck seemed so real I hated it.

but I knew it wasn't real because I had watched the life drain out of him myself and it was a memory I would relish for as long as I lived.

The sound of my alarm buzzing beside me woke me up 7.30, I had to be at school in a hour.

I dragged my self out of bed and walked into Auryns room.she was lying their sleeping peacefully I walked over and nudged her, She didn't stir.
"Auryn" I said loudly
She opened her eyes and looked at me smiling lightly, she yawned and got out of bed as i walked back into my room and started getting ready for school.

I decided on wearing a light blue body suit and a pair of leather jeans along with a leather jacket

I decided on wearing a light blue body suit and a pair of leather jeans along with a leather jacket

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(Just imagine it with a cropped leather
Jacket aswell) or imagine whatever u want

I stood looking at myself in the mirror you couldn't see any of my scars as they were coverd by my clothing and the ones that weren't I had coverd with makeup. I wasn't ashamed of my scars far from it I think they actually made me look pretty badass but people would ask question and they weren't ones I was willing to anwser.

I went downstairs and saw my mum and stepdad had already left to gods know where. Not that I'm complaining. im thankfully im not having to deal with them this early in the morning.

My mum has never cared about me she got with my stepdad when me and Auryn were 5. The abuse first started when I was 6 back then it was only the odd slap here and their but as the year went on it got worse. My mum never did anything that bad but she knew what he was doing to me so I hate her for it because she never tried to stop it never tried to help me.

Auryn isn't aware of the fact that they abuse me and I would never tell her because she loves them and I wouldn't spoil that for her. They love her too and I do everything I can to make sure it stays that way and that they never hurt her.

Auryn came downstairs snapping me out of my thoughts. I passed her her bag and a piece of toast for her breakfast.
"See you at school" she said as she walked out the door. I grabbed my own bag aswell and followed out of the house. I hopped on my bike.

As I speeded to school

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As I speeded to school. I loved it whenever I was driving I felt the closest to him. Speeding up as if I can outrun the pain that comes with the thoughts of him.

Pulling into school people stare at me but thats pretty normal. They do it every morning and every morning it annoys the hell out of me. I walked towards my first period class slowly knowing I was already going to be late so it didn't real matter. Kicking open the classroom door my teacher Mrs walsh glared at me.
"Why are you late" her annoying voice screched
I just turned my stony gaze on her and walked to my seat slumping down and putting my headphones in ignoring her question. I placed my head on my desk and closed my eyes letting myslef be anywhere but here.

Twenty minutes into the lesson and I felt someone tapping me.
"What" I snapped looking up to see Mrs walsh standing in front of my desk.
"Principles office now hes already called you twice" she said while looking smug. I just rolled my eyes and glared at her.
"So I've been called twice and your only telling me now." I said as I stood up a walked out "fucking bitch" I muttered. she looked fuming but I just kept walking and flipped her of as I headed out of the door.

I walked straight past the principles secretary since this was a regular trip for me. Kicking open his door I walled in.
"Hey Gary" I said putting my hands on his desk.
"How many times have a told you to knock and to call me Mr Lenn im your head teacher" he said rubbing the bridge of his nose like talking to me was stressing him out.
"Yeh yeah I know Gary " I replied "look if this is about molly Bradshaw broken nose or the dinner lady incident or the boys locker room showers I had nothing to do with any of it"
He scoffed "I have the footage of you punching miss Bradshaw in the face even though I'm sure you had a reason and as for the other two that's not important right now. Please take a seat we have something we need to talk about"
I turned around noticing the fact that Auryn was in the room along with two men standing in the corner
I walked over to where Auryn was sitting and sat beside her racking my brain of what they couldve caught me doing. I put on an emotionless face when I looked at the three people as they all had the same look in their eyes.... pity

"Well.." I said looking at Gary
"Girls im very sorry to inform you that your mother and stepfather were in a car accident early this morning and neither of them made it"
When his words hit I felt like weight had been lifted of my shoulders I had hated them and didn't care if she was my mother she didn't deserve the title after how she treated me. I heard crying beside me and suddenly remembered Auryn and how much she loved them. I put my arm around her and she turned her head burying it in my neck as the hot tears ran onto me.
I looked at Gary cool and said with no emotion in my voice
" what happens now"
The three people in the room seemed shocked at my lack of reaction Auryn wasn't even registering what was going on she was so torn up.

"Well your biological father has agreed to take custody of you both" he said a gestured to one of the men in the corner.
I looked at them properly now one looked about 50 he was the one Gary said was my father the other looked in his early twentys. He seemed to be looking at me trying to figure me out. I internally scoffed good luck with that even i can't figure myself out.
The older one cleared his thought and said "I'm your father Anthony and this is your eldest brother Adrian "

Okay that was my first chapter hope you don't mind it if you have any points that you'd like to have added to the story please leave a comment cos id love to hear them.

Hope you have a lovely day and keep smiling 😃
I'll try to update regularly but I'm a lazy shit so sorry if I don't.

Also sorry for how bad the grammar is i honestly just suck at.

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