chapter 13

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Octavia's pov:

It was 2 in the morning and my mind refused to grant me sleep so instead I walked down the corridor looking at all the photo's hanging upon the walls.

They were all of are family and some had people who I didn't recognise but I assumed were are extended family. It made my heart heart thinking about family, it brought back so many memories of the years I spent with my chosen family. I missed them all so much even though Emily, Lewis and Mike were here I still felt so incomplete.

I tried to shake of my thoughts and just focus on the image infront of me. It was of all of us when we were children and me and Auryn  were still here. She was in Adrian's arms. He looked so different when he was younger and was holding Auryn like she would break at any minute. I on the other hand was lying on the ground with Roman in just are nappies playing with mud absolutely fascinated by it. We had it smeared all over his face but we were both smiling like it was the best thing in the world.

Everyone looked so happy in the photo and I couldn't help but wonder how everyone would be if me and Auryn were never taken away. How different my brothers might be. How different are dad would be. How different I would be.

I walked upstairs. As I walked past Auryns room I stuck my head in the door to check on her. Their she was lying in bed with Matteo, Aiden and Hunter. They were all cuddled up and had popcorn littered around the room it was clear they had been having a movie night. Moonlight leaked in through the window landing upon the 4 sleeping figures. I walked into the room quietly and went over to the window drawing the blinds. I then went back over to where they were all sleeping and lifted the blanket from the bottom of the bed, placing it over them. As I walked out of the door I looked back and couldn't decifer exactly what I was feeling. They were all sleeping so peacefully and looked comfortable with eachother as if they'd been together their whole life. They looked like family. I smiled at that thought Auryn deserved this she deserved all the love in the world and I was happy she was finally getting it.

But as I looked at the scene in front of me I felt like an intruder ,I felt so out of place. I didn't belong in this image. I no longer fit in the photo. They had all changed , I wouldn't lie and say they hadn't but they had changed in a normal way they way everyone does as they grown up. I on the other hand held no resemblance to the girl that sat in the mud. I was a completely different person.

I closed the door and started walking down the hallway lost in thought. Auryn was happy she had family now that cared about her, she was safe. I no longer had to protect her. I didn't fit here I knew that all the people in this house may have my blood but they were strangers to me. Maybe for once just once I could do something selfish maybe I could leave here and go and be with my chosen family. Maybe for once I could let myself be happy. I no longer had to look after Auryn.

But as I opened the door to my room and found Tinan curled up on my bed and I realised I couldn't leave here, that my job wasn't done. I had a new person to protect and thats exactly what I would do.

I went to bed thinking about the day I would have tomorrow knowing it was going to be hell because after all it was my first day of school.

I woke up the next morning to someone jumping on me.

"Tinan" I grumbled

He just giggled
"Octavia you need too get upp"
I grabbed him but the waist flipping us over and began to tickle him
"S-stopp" he said trying to catch his breath between his laughs

"Not before you appologive for so rudely waking me up" I said with a mock glare

"O-o o-key I'm s-sowwy"

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