chapter 11

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I walked out of the office and began to explore the house I barely got two steps before I was met with a small body wrapping itself around my legs. I looked down to see Tinans cheeky grin beeming up at me. I shook my head at the little boy in amusement since I'm sure he had to have been waiting here for me and picked him up.

"What arw you dowing" tinan said

"Well I was going to explore the house but now that your here do you want to show me around"

He nodded vigorously and began to climb down of me. Grabbing my hand he dragged me down the corridor.


Tinan had dragged me do about every room in the house when we came to a library there was a big piano sitting in the middle. I walked over to it and sat down. Lifting the lid I looked at tinan who had come and stood beside me.

"Do you want to play something" I said softly

"I cawnt play" he said is eyes going sad for a moment

"Dont worry I'll teach you"

I pulled him up onto my lap.

"Put your fingers on the notes and when I press on your fingers press down on the notes" I said

"Owkie" he said giggling as he did as I said

We began to play a simple melody. One that brought back memories of filled my heart but also pained it deeply.

5 years ago
Third person
"Papa" the girl squeeled as he grabbed her and sat her on his knee

"Come on ill teach you how to play" he rich voice rumbled
"Both hands on the piano when I press on your fingers you press on the notes"  he spoke.
She Looked up at him with his beaming smile that he kept hidden from the world. A man who had seen how harsh the world could be. Who had met the little girl who was strong and reflected him in so many ways. Who had brought the light back into his life and pulled their family together.

He began to press on her fingers and the soft notes rang out into the vast room.

I imagined him their beside me then my papa. I imagined his fingers resting ontop of mine. When I looked down at Tinan he was in the exact position I used to sit and it brought a sad smile to my face. I promised my self then that I wouldn't let me and Tinans story end the way papas and mine did. I wouldn't want him to think back on this moment and it bring him heartache. Because regardless of what people say pain doesn't leave you. Its like a mist thats waits until your thought drift to memory's to descend. It surrounds you and if your not careful it engulfs you. Until it blinds you to anything good in the world. Until you drown in it and no one can find you and pull you out. Until it becomes a barrier between you and everyone you care about. And that mist was one I was all to familiar with. It was a mist I fought a long time not to loose myself in. The pain might never leave me but it was one I learnt to live with.

I lifted my hands off of Tinans then as I saw that he had got the hang of the short piece. He continued to play not noticing that he was doing it himself. He played through the short melody the notes ringing out into the vast room just as they always did with this music. He looked up at me in shock after playing the last note finally realising I was no longer helping him. A big grin spread across his face and I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of mine.

"I did it" he said
"I can do thing right" he said quietly more to himself than me.

My brows frowned at that. Why would he think he wasn't capable of doing things right. I had an idea of what had happened to make him think things more like who happened. Anger quickly replaced the happy feeling that I had a moment before but I didn't let it show.

"You did it all yourself and it was amazing" I said to him
That just made his smile grown bigger. He leant up then and placed a hand on either side of my face and kissed my nose giggling.

I spent the rest of the day in my room working. Tinan was beside me curled up having fallen asleep about an hour ago while watching cartoons on the TV.

A knock sounded at the door I stood up walking over to it. I opened it to be met with the sight of my eldest brother Adrian. He looked at me blankly but the curiosity was clear in his eyes.
"Dinner is ready" he said seemingly coming out of his deep thoughts
I nodded then turned back into my room.
"Where are you going" I didn't anwser him as I walked back in into my room and over to Tinans sleeping figure. I gently shock him.

"Bubba its time for dinner you need to get up" I said softly
"Noo I don't want to" I mubled his words coming out half formed as he buried his head into the bed. Shoock my head in amusement at this boy before picking him up. He squeeled in shock when he felt himself being lifted. When he realised what was happening he began to write about in my arms until he had turned himself so his legs were wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck. He layer his head on my collar bone and closed his eyes.

I walked back out of my room where Adrian was still standing he opened his mouth to ask me why I had walked back in my room but stopped when he saw Tinan in my arms.

We walked to the dining room in silence. I felt his eyes on me the whole time and he kept opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. I pretend not to notice and didn't even glance at him.

We eventually came to the dining room doors after what felt like an eternity in tense silence. I could hear laughter coming from inside. One person's laughter stood out from everyone's and that was Auryns she sounded happy and I was glad of it. Because she deserved all the happiness in the world.
Adrian pushed open the door. I took in the sight before me. Auryn was there along with my father, stepmother and brothers. The family who had been here yesterday Nicholas, branden and Elijah were also here. I looked at how Branden and Elijah were interacting with my brothers and it was clear that they saw eachother as family. All the boys were laughing except Roman. Stephanie was glaring at Auryn and Nicholas and my father had smiles of their faces. Everyone looked at me,Tinan and Adrian when they noticed are presence.

I made my way to the seat beside Auryn since it had a another empty one beside it. I sat down as the conversation gradually resumed and Tinan began to wake up.

"Come on you've got to sit down and eat your dinner" I said softly
"No" he said stubbornly
He turned himself than and settled in my lap

I raised an eyebrow at him in question
"Pwease I want to sit here" he said giving me puppy dog eyes
I placed a finger on my lips pretending to ponder it

"Hmm I suppose you can" i said
He grinned and turned back to the table.
I forced my face into a blank one as I looked up ready to face my family.


Hi guys sorry for not updating for a while. Can we just pretend I didn't neglect this book for the last 2 weeks.

Anyways just wanted to say thankyou to everyone reading this book I really appreciate it. I also love reading your comments they make me laugh. Please don't be silent readers and let me know what you think all feedback is welcome on this book as you guys r the ones who have to read it.

Hope you all have a lovely day or night 🌙 your amazing keep smiling

The quote for this chapter is "maybe nothing will change for us but don't you want to be around just incase it does" -the darkest minds

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