chapter 6

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I had decided it was time to meet the rest of my family . I got in my car and started to make my way there, it was only twenty minutes from the group house.
I had decided on wearing a white suit with a matching white bralette and a pair of black heels.

Getting near the house I parked around the corner and began to make my way in on foot without them noticing me come in

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Getting near the house I parked around the corner and began to make my way in on foot without them noticing me come in. I waited until the guards changed post and went up to the front door saying in the shadows so I wasn't spotted. I knocked but no one came. when I turned the handle it opened so I walked in.


Walking towards the dining I bumped into Hunter.
"Come on we can walk in together" he said smiling
When we opened the door everyone looked at me confused until my father spoke.
"This is my daughter Auryn"
They all started at me in shock.

"Auryn this is my business partner and family friend Nicholas Romano"
He was a tall man with dark hair and a cold facade.
"This is his eldest son Elijah Romano" he was alot like his dad with a cold look but he had a lethal look in his eyes which made me avoid eye contact.
"And this is his youngest son Branden Romano" he was about 6'1 with dark brown and deep brown eyes that seemd warm and welcoming. I couldn't help but stare at him and I saw that he was doing the same to me.

"Well let's eat" Adrian said snapping me out of my thoughts.

We all sat at the table and I ended up sitting in between Branden and Roman. Adrian was across from me sitting beside Elijah.


The dinner had been going well and I was having a hood time chatting with Elijah. I've know Elijah since we were kids since he's the heir to the Spanish mafia we got along because we both knew what that kind of pressure was like.
The only thing bothering me was that Branden kept on staring at Auryn with a desire full eyes. He glanced again and I had had enough.

"Branden stop staring at little sister like that" I said sternly

He began to go red and so did Auryn

"Er um l-like what"

I scoffed "you exactly what I mean"

Elijah chuckled beside me
"Leave them i think it'd be cute if are brother and sister got together"

"I will not leave them that's my little sister" I spoke icily

"Just let it go" Roman said beside me

Matteo scoffed "oh so now you want to add your input on something you haven't even bothered to get to know Auryn since she came. I mean are you even apart of this family"

"I don't know why your even bothering to argue about the girl she's probably a slut anyway" Stephanie said

"The fuck did you just say" Aiden yelled at her

"Dont you talk to me like that" she screamed back
"Are you going to let your son swear at me like that" she said turning to dad.
"Dont swear at Stephanie Aiden"

"Are you fucking kidding she just called Auryn a slut" Branden said

"You stay out of this" I yelled at him

"Why do you have a problem with him shes 16" Elijah growled from beside me.
Stephanie and dad were still arguing with aiden and hunter had joined them. Me, Elijah, Braden were on are feet now yelling at eachother.
The whole room had descended into chaos.

Suddenly the doors slammed open dining room doors slammed open and everyone's heads snapped to the person standing there.


In the door way stood a girl of about 5'7 with dark almost bacl hair. She was wearing a white suit which seemed to hug every curve of her figure perfectly. She was ubserving us all with an amused expression.

"Well this is a sight to see" she spoke her voice was so smooth.
I'm sure she was referring to the fact that everyone one was red faced and looked angry.

Suddenly her amused expression dropped and her gaze became absolutely deadly. She walked into the room like she owned it and everything in it. She walked right past us all and over to Tinan she leaned down and picked him up. He didn't seem to mind and just rested his head against her colar bone and began to play with her hair. To be honest I think everyone had forgotten Tinan was even there.
She turned back to us and everyone seemed scwirm under her gaze. Her eyes met mine and they were absolutely lethal. She had dark green eyes which seemed to have an entire storm brewing behind them. They shun with rage which was directed at everyone in the room.

"You don't argue infront of a child"
I think some people actually flinched at the tone of her voice

"We'll be in the kitchen" she said

And with that she turned around and strutted out of the room with her head held high and Tinan sitting on her hip.

The only sound that could be heard in the house was her heals clicking on the marble floor.

"Who the hell was that" my father said breaking everyone out of a chance that the deadly girl seemed to put them under.

"That, was Octavia" Anthony said

This chapter was a little shorter but I mean oh well.

Thankyou to everyone reading this book!!
Hope you have a lovely day or night x
Keep smiling youre amazing

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