chapter 14

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I walked out of the house and away from the mess octavia and Tinan had made.

It made my heart hurt seeing her do thing like that. She looked young, she looked a little bit more like the girl i used to remember.

I wanted to do things like that with her.i wanted to have a sister again.

I wanted to run around at 2 in the morning and get ice cream.

I wanted to steal her clothes and makeup.

I wanted to have movie nights together.

I wanted to talk about are crushes.

But most of all I wanted her to want to do things like that. I wanted her to want me.

"Auryn come on get in the car" Aiden said
I turned to face him not realising that I had stopped walking. He was looking at me with concern written all over his face.

"Right, sorry" I said making myslef move

"So are you nervous " hunter said

I was sitting in the front of the car with matteo while hunter and Adrian and Roman sat in the back.

"Yeah I am, whats your school like"
"Well its pretty much just your average school" "there's a few people you should stay away from but we'll point them out to you when we get there"

"Oh ok" I didn't really know what he meant by that but I wasn't going to argue

"I'll talk to the coach when I get to school and see about getting you a try out for the cheer team" Aiden said

A smile overcame my face when he said that.
"Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou" I squeeled

All the boys just chuckled in response to my over joyous behaviour


Pulling into the school carpark. I noticed how kids began to stare at are car.

"Come on" matteo said as he stepped out

I grabbed my bag but before I could open the door hunter did it for me

"I could've done that myself" I said while steeping out of the car, trying to give him a serious look but failing miserably.

"You could've but I wanted to" he said throwing his arm over my shoulder and steering me towards a group of kids.

"So Auryn these are our friends" matteo said gesturing to a group of about 6 boys


"And boys this is our sister Auryn" I said

Auryn stood there looking at our friends. They all knew about are sister who we had been looking for. They didn't know the details of what happened but they knew we hadn't been able to find them. And right now they were all staring at Auryn with their jaws on the floor except for Elijah and Branden since they already met them.

"Err.. hi" Auryn said giving them a small wave

The boys all seemed to realise what they were doing and closed there mouths.

"Im Jamie" Jamie said being the first to snap himself out of it

"Im Connor"

"Im finn"

"Im sam"

"And you already know Branden and Elijah" Aiden said

She looked around and smiled at all of them. My jaw clenched as I notice her gaze linger on Branden slightly longer.

"Wait you to knew that they found them and didn't tell us" Jamie said turning to Branden and Elijah.

They both seemed to suddenly find their shoes very interesting.

" mean" Branden started trying to find the right words
I watched in amusement as he and Elijah squirmed under all are friends gazes.

We were cut of by the roar of an engine. I turned to look and saw another car coming into the school carpark and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

The car pulled up into a space not to far from ours.

"Those are the people you need to stay away from" I said to Auryn

"Why whats wrong with them" she said puzzled

"Their bad news" was the only response she got

I didn't know Lewis or Michael personally but their were alot of rumours surrounding them none which were good. They tended to keep to just themselves and didn't socialise.

I started as the car as  a third person began to step out. revealing a girl with light blond hair. She was absolutely stunning and i knew i wasn't the only one thinking that. She turned looking around the car park and I watched as her gaze snagged on Auryn for slightly longer than everyone else.

"Do you know her" I said turning at look at Auryn

"No I've never seen her before"

Lewis and Michael walked up to her and they all stood standing there for a minute talking about something before turning around and walking into the school.

"Wait, didn't you say you have two sisters" sam said

As If on cue a motorbike speeded into the car park.


Okey please don't hate me I know its been way to long since I updated. But I had a piano exam which I've been practicing for.

I also only have 2 weeks of school left and I'm so ready for this year to be over.

Hope you all have a lovely day or 🌙 night . Keep smiling your amazing

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