chapter 3

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we pulled up to my house stepping out of the car I felt so strange it felt like nothing had changed but at the same time so much.
I opened the front door and as Octavia had said she would she had packed up all my belongings and left them in the hallway for me. We began to load all of my things into the car and my dad and brother helped me.

We had taken about an hours but all my stuff was finally gone I stood in the empty house taking it in one past time. I thought of all the memories I had here of me and Octavia. I hated the fact that I was leaving this life behind but as they say all good things must come to an end. I hadn't even realised I was crying until I felt a hand brush away my tear.
"It'll be okay bambina" my father said pulling me into a hug. I let myself be comforted by him for someone I only didn't know it felt so right in his arms.


I had my little girl in my arms and it felt so right I hated the fact that she was upset about the death of that bitch ex-wife of mine but I understood that she was her mother. The only thing I was missing now was my other daughter she confused me since I couldn't read her and I'm the capo I can read everyone, well except him but no one can read him.


Getting into the car I looked back at my sorellina and felt happy she was looking out the window she turned and saw me looking at her, she sent me a sweet smile which made my cold heart melt a bit.

"So where are we going" she said looking at me

" Well we're going to the airport we live in LA you have 6 brothers including me and one half brother " to say she looked shocked would be an understatement she was the opposite of her sister and always had every emotion written on her face for everyone to read.

"oh" was all she said
"Do you want to play 20 questions to get to know eachother"
"Sure" she smiled again and I couldn't help but return it
"So any hobbies"
"I like cheerleading and fashion"
"Okay cool. Whats your faviroute colour?"
"Baby blue and yellow"

That was how we spent the rest of are ride to the airport.


I stood in the house packing all of me and Auryns thing into boxes I had just finished and stood infront of the bathroom mirror. My hand unconsciously went up to fiddle with the ring on a chain around my neck. The ring he gave me. My mind drifted to that day.
It was my 15 birthday
We we standing on the top of the hillside looking out at the city below us are bikes were beside us it had been the perfect just me him and are bikes speeding along away from the whole world.
"Octavia" he voice said
I turned around to see him holding a ring.
"I've loved you since we were 11 and will love you for as long as I live. Over the years you would expect the love to fade but my love for you just grows stronger everyday. I love how your eyes light up when were driving. I love the sound of your laugh how it rings like a melody in my ear long after its faded. I love how you spend your smiles wisely and you always think I'm worth the price. I love the look you get in you eyes when you speeding along on your bike like nothing in the world can stop you. Your the thing that makes my lungs want to keep breathing. You make my eyes want to open and my legs run. You make me want to live. I love you Octavia"
"This ring is a promise of that. that one day I'll turn it into an engagement ring and ill get to spend the rest of my life by your side. To have a minny you and me running around with the best parts of both of us in them. A promise that we'll find a house with a small dirt track running up to it, a house with white shutters, a house with a balcony that we'll spend evenings sitting on me reading story's to you as you drift asleep in my arms. A house to fill with love and life. A house where laughter will become like the birds in the morning. To grow old together to be eachother family. To spend 100 nights like this, just you and me under the stars." he said
I was staring into those blue eyes that had captured me completely that I had tell every line,shade of every part of them.
"Yes" I breathed out kissing him on the lips
He put the ring on a chain and clasped it around my neck kissing my skin in the process. He put his hands around my waist and I leaned back into him looking out at the city lights ready for it to be the two of us against the world.

If only the day had stayed that good
Snapping out of my thoughts I put my hands on either side of the sink and stared myself in the eyes
"Become the monster you need to be to protect the people you love"
With that I strode out of the bathroom and out of the house getting on my bike and driving away.

I pulled up to the group house and walked in.
"I'm back" I yelled
I heard a scream coming from beside me before I could think I was tackled to the ground in a hug
"Bitchhh where have you been" my best friend Emily screamed in my ear
"Can't- brea- th" I said trying to get in breaths as she was currently lying on me cutting of my oxygen flow.
"Well isnt that a shame but thats what you get for not talking to me 2 days. I mean you left me here all lonley Mike and Lewis are away still and I was stuck with everyone else and since I'm in the inner circle they looked to me like I was supposed to know what to do with them. Like who do they think I am! You?" She rambled on
I chuckled at her and her head immediately snapped to me
"You think this is funny missy"
"No--not att a-all" I said in between laughs
I chucked her of me
"Heyyyyyy" she said rubbing her ass from where she landed
I stood up and put on my cold facade rembering why exactly I was here.
"I need you to call everyone to the main room" she must have noticed my change in attitude because she stopped messing around straight away and went of to do it.

Standing infront of all the kids we have here they smiled at me they were all parts of the sinner spawn. Most of them were minors aswell and majority came from abusive homes or from sex trafficking rings we had dismantled. They are all trained in fighting and hacking and given a good education. Were one big family since most of are own familys let us down.

"Well I've called you here because my mother and stepfather past away so I have to go and live my biological father in LA. So you have two choices if you would like to move to LA with me there will be a house like this their for you and I will enrol you in the local schools and if you wish to stay here that I fine aswell you have until 7 tonight to tell me your decision"

Time skip to 7.00

"Hi" I looked up to see Emily by the door to my office
"I've got the finished list of all those who want to come with us" she said
I looked down at my watch shocked at how quick the time had gone.
"Okay how many have we got"
"Well we have alot more than I think you thought would want to come but alot didn't want to leave you so the final count in 234" she said smiling brightly.
"Okay thats great pass me the list"
"Oh and also Mike and Lewis are in LA already since that where they have been the last month for business"
"Omg yayy were all going to be there together now" she squeeled giving me a hug
"Okay now shooo I have alot of work to do" I said ushering her out of the room.
I spent the rest of the evening and most of the night finding schools for all the kids to attend and a house that was big enough for all of us I couldn't find one so in the end I had to settle on two big ones that were beside eachother.
I looked at my watch seeing it was 3.00am and walked to my bedroom I have my own one here incase I ever need a place to crash after a mission or a fight. I walked in slumped on the bed and went straight asleep. Thinking about the day coming Tomorrow.

Okay so your learning a bit more about who he was to Octavia

Did you the pov from Auryns point of view and what did you think of her
Should I do more of her from her point of view

Anways have a lovely day or night 🌙
Keep smiling and be yourself x

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