chapter 12

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Octavia's pov:

I hadn't spoken to anyone throughout the meal so far i could feel multiple gazes on me as I ate.
I looked up only to make make eye contact with Roman. His eyes seemed to hold so much pain. He seemed torn, lost. I couldn't help but notice how the rest of the family didn't include him in their conversations neither did the Romano's. He seemed like an outsider in his own family and it was something that I was all to familiar with. I dragged myself out of my thoughts and took the time to analyse everyone else at the table. Stephanie was glaring at me and Auryn but me especially as Tinan was on my lap. Branden was looking at Auryn who was blushing and avoiding eye contact with him. Matteo was glaring at Branden and looked like he was struggling to keep his mouth shut. Elijah looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh while looking at matteo. Hunter, lucas and Aiden were goofing about not paying the others any attention. Nicholas and Anthony seemed to be in deep conversation and Adrian was staring at me.

"So Auryn,Octavia why don't you both tell us all a bit more about yourself" Anthony said

"Um well I like cheerleading, art and reading" Auryn said
"I was actually captain of the cheerleading team at my old school and I want to be a doctor when I'm older" she continued

"They have a cheer team at school you shld try out" Branden said

"Yeah, I think I will"
People turned to look at me then and honestly I didn't know what to tell them I couldn't tell them I wasn't involved in any teams at school and didn't have anything I could tell them without it leading to more questions ones I didn't want to anwser.
I started to anwser but was stopped by the sound of my phone ringing.

I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Emily. i was about to decline the call when Anthony spoke "anwser it here and put it on speaker"
I didn't like the tone of his voice or the fact that he was demanding but one thing I've learnt is to pick your battles.

I soon as I anwsered a scream came down the line.


I watched as Octavia anwsered her phone putting it on speaker the moment she did a scream came from the other end. Everyone in the room tensed except octavia.

"He's going to kill me" a girls voice screamed into the phone
Octavias eyes danced with amusement. I didn't understand how she could find this funny the girl just said someone was going to kill her

"Damn right im going to kill you" a male voice yelled

"Octaviaaaa" the girls voice screamed
"Octavia he has a fork" she screamed
We could hear crashing in the background but it seemed to stop at the sound of octavias name

"Is that my sister you have on the phone" a male voice said, different to the one we heard before

"Yepp" the female voice said

Wait they just said octavia was their sister. Who are these people.

"Thank god. Octavia can you tell these idiots to not to kill eachother and that the rule of no fighting with cutlery still applies here" the second male voice said

"She stole my kitkat" the first male voice said

"Well Its not my fault I was bored and octavia left me with you guys all day" the female voice said

"Enough" octavia spoke for the first time during the phone call
"Em buy Mike a new chocolate bar and Mike you know the rules about using forks as weapons"

"Hey give me back my phone" the girls voice (who i assume is Em) exclaimed

I heard footsteps running and It sounded like the person carrying the phone left the room

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