chapter 9

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"What is that thing doing with my son" a voice screeched from the doorway

I just kept my eyes on my food and ignored her

"Im talking to you" she said as she strode towards me

"Actually you were talking about me, if you were talking to me you would have said 'what are you doing with my son' but you didn't so you weren't talking to me" I said in a bord tone still not looking at her

"Who are you to talk to me like that and give me my son" she yelled

"Well if you want to know who I am why don't you do it in a civilised way instead of screeching"

"Well who are you then"

"Im Octavia" I said turning to her now

She looked me up and down taking in my sweaty appearance "you don't look like your twin" she spat the word twin out with disgust

I looked at Auryn with an eyebrow raised in question as to why she dislikes her. She just shrugged in response.

"I suppose I don't thankyou for sharing your observation" I said my tone dripping with sarcasm

"Octavia this is your stepmother Stephanie" my father said coming to stand beside her
I just nodded not breaking my glare

"If ull excuse me I need to go take a shower" I said

I started to walk out of the room with tinan still with me

"Wait" my father spoke
"You and Auryn need to be at my office in an hour we have some things we need to discuss"
Again I just nodded and walked out.


Right now I was sitting in my office with Adrian and lucas we were waiting for the girls so we could discuss the rules they would have since they're living here now.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Octavia was acting with Tinan this morning. Tinan isn't usually comfortable around people so quickly. It normally takes a while for him to warm up to them. Before Octavia came home Tinan had seemed really upset at the fact that she was missing he kept asking for her and when Auryn tried to talk to him and give him a hug telling him it would be okay he moved away and sat on the floor and said he wanted his big sissy. I had been annoyed at him for this since Auryn seemed hurt by the fact that he didn't think of her as his sissy. I also didn't understand why Tinan had become so attached to her she'd only been here a day. Then Octavia had come in and it was like a switch flipped in him and he was so happy around her. She seemed to have the same switch that she flipped for him. She actually stuck her tongue out at him. The cold girl who hasn't even cracked a smile since she was here stuck her tongue out at him. My heart had warmed at the sight especially when Tinan giggled. Then she turned back to us and any trace of the girl who had done that ceased to exist.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a nock on the door it was soft and light and I immediately knew it was Auryn

"Come in" I said

She walked in and i gestured to one of the chairs infront of me.

I looked at the time to see she was 2 minutes early.

Lucas must have noticed the same thing since he started a conversation.

"So Auryn how do you like it here so far"

"Its great thanks your house is really pretty so are the gardens" she spoke smiling at me

"Our house" I corrected
That just seemed to make her more happy

Just then there was another knock on the door I looked at the time again to see it was bang on the hour.

"Come in" I said

Octavia walked in the room and sat down beside Auryn

"Okay girls since u'll be living with us their are a few rules that your going to have to follow"

Auryn nodded while Octavia looked at me blankly

"1. I expect you to respect me my wife and your brothers
2. You need to ask when you want to go out
3. You need to dress appropriately
4. No drugs alcohol or smoking
5. No swearing
6. No boys. Boyfriends or boys that are friends."
7. Don't go in the basement its private

"If you fail to follow these rules there will be punishments"
I looked at them both trying to see their reactions while Auryn looked nervous and was fidgeting but looked ready to agree Octavia just looked blank.


All heads snapped to Octavia

"What?" I said in disbelief

"No" she said again calmly

"What do you mean no"

"I wont be following all of those rules without makes a few adjustments to them first" she said it in a business like manner that I couldn't help but be slightly amused by

"1. I will respect you if you respect me it goes both ways
2. I will tell you when I am going out but I will not ask
3. No, I will wear what I want
4. I'm sure you drank at my age but I will try to do so in moderation keeping in mind that you have a dislike towards it.
5. No
6. No
7. That's fine I can respect your privacy but you need to respect mine in return
Any questions" she finished looking me directly in my eyes

"I suppose thats responsible but no smoking or drugs."

She just nodded

"Okay girls next thing is you will be starting school on Monday I expect you to get good grades. Auryn I have seen your grades from the previous school and their good please keep them up" I said

"Thankyou I will" Auryn said looked pleased by the compliment

"Okay Auryn thats all I needed you may go now" I said smiling at her

She stood up and left my office

I looked back at Octavia
"Octavia your school seems to have lost the files it had on you including your academic abilities"


"I spoke to your old principal and he said you were a very bright student but you tend to have some misbehaving issues"

"Thats definitely one way to put it"

"Well now your living with me i expect you to attend your lessons and not to cause trouble or get into fights at school or their will be consequences" I said sternly

"And what will the consequences be?" She said leaning in

"Well I don't think you would wish to find out" I said putting on a deadly facade

She stood up then and walked to the door opening it and turned back looking at us us

"Oh but I would" she said with a sinister smirk as she turned around and walked out of the room.


I know this chapter is shit
I've been rewatching peaky blinders on netflix and its just so good I can't stop watching it. Honestly if people have any series recommendations please comment them.

Hope you have a lovely day or night 🌙 your gorgeous.

Keep your head up your amazing

Quote for this chapter:
"To look powerful is to be powerful"

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