chapter 15

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Everyone has them
Some good some bad
But their constant

A habit of mine has been telling myslef in the late hours of the night when I have only the moon ans stars to keep me company that ill do better the next day, that I'll put effort into things I do, that I'll try to actually engage with life thats going on around me, that I'll start caring again  tomorrow.

But then tomorrow comes
And I don't
I'm the same shell of a person that I was the day before and I don't care enough to try and change that fact.

I had become empty

I just didn't feel it as much any more

Its not that I don't laugh,cry or smile anymore because I do. It may be rare but I do.

Its just that the laugh is now just a noise that I release at the appropriate moment in time.

My smile is just a shape that I pull my face into when its deemed necessary.

And my tears are just water that comes out of my eyes.

I just feel it all alot less
And I hate it
I used to think not being able to feel the pain would be great that it would all be better if I was simply numb

How wrong I was

So ill keep telling myself that I'll do better the next day even though I know its a lie
Because its become habit and they say habits are hard to break after all.

So climb out of bed and welcome another day of nothingness


You know the kind of people who radiate confidence. The kind who walk into a room and instantly have everyone's attention without even lifting a finger.

Well octavia was one of those people. And as she stepped of her bike all eyes were on her.

Auryn was staring at her sister in awe as were her brothers.

Octavia got of her bike and started to walk towards them. She held her head high and ignored every gaze that linger on her every move.

As octavia neared them Aiden opened his mouth to say something but before a sound came out he realised she wasn't walking towards them. Instead octavia kept on walking, she walked straight past them not even sparing them a glance. But they all knew she'd seen them. She walked straight up the school steps and into the building.

"Who the fuck was that" Connor said while letting out a low whistle

Aiden reached across and hit him on the head

"That was out other sister dipshit" matteo said

If it was possible for there friends to look more stunned after seeing Auryn they did. They all turned to look at Auryn and then back at the school doors where octavia had disappeared through.

"Thats your sister" sam said in disbelief

"Twin, sister" Auryn said with a nod



I walked through the corridors with my head held high i had already memorised the layout of the school.

Regardless of the situation you never walk into a building without knowing every exit route.

I made my way towards the office ignoring the stares I had been receiving from my new fellow students.

"Im a new student here and would like to collect my schedule and locker number" I said politely

The woman in front of me must have been in her early 60s. I read her name as Mrs Brunner.

I watched as her gaze swept over me assessing my stance how I held myself and the tone of my voice.

When her eyes met mine they had a look of curiosity.


"Octavia Blaze" I said. It felt so strange adressing myself with the Blaze surname but I knew i couldnt use the one I wanted to call myslef by as my biologicals would find out.

"Ah yes let me just get it for you"

She lent down and began to rummage about under the counter
When she reapeard she held two sets of schedules in her hand

"I have it here that your sister is suppost to be going us aswell"

"Yes she's right here" a voice said from behind me

I turned around to see Auryn standing there with my brothers the Romano boys and their friends.

"Well here are your schedules then"

I leant forward and took mine from the woman while matteo took Auryns

I turned around to walk out of the room before a voice stopped me

"Octavia wait" Hunter said


"I-er-well" he seemed uncertain of exactly what it was he wanted to say or ask

One thing I've learnt in life is that you should never say something unless you know exactly what you want to say. Uncertainty implys lack of knowledge or insecuritys this can come of as a lack of confidence which makes you look weak and weakness is something you should never show to someone you don't know.

Hunter didn't know me no matter if I was his sister or not. And right now he was showing me his insecurity.

"Do you want us to show you to your lesson" was the question he decided on

"No I'm fine, thankyou" next time he asked me a question I wanted him to be sure first.


Matteo opened Auryn's timetable and began to scan through my lessons

"You have science first with Mrs Green"

"Well me and Connor are going that way we'll show you to your room"  i said

I slung my arm over Auryns shoulder and steered her towards the door.

"Have fun" hunter yelled snickering lightly clearly anticipating Mrs Greens hate for all Blaze children.

Reaching Mrs Greens classroom i kicked the door open knowing it would piss her off because well I wouldn't be me if I didn't.

"Aiden, Connor what do you think yo uare doing interrupting my lesson"

"Well I'm here to drop of my little sister of course" I said beaming at her.

"Your sister?" I could sense the annoyance in her

"Yep" I said popping my phone

"Well Auryn I hope you have a lovely lesson and don't worry about Mrs Green even though she many seem like a old grumpy person its because she is"

Connor chuckled beside me and Auryn looked like she wanted to dissappear when Mrs Green began to glare at the three of us.

I swung my arm of Auryn shoulder and began to make my way to my own lesson .


I'm so sorry for taking so long to get this update out.

I really hope your all enjoying your summer holidays ( if your on them) if not then I hope school isn't making you make to put your head through a wall to much.

Hope you all have a great day or night 🌙 . Keep smiling your amazing

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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