chapter 7

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NICHOLAS POV (Elijah and Brandon's father the leader of the Spanish mafia):

"Who is she" Branden said

"She's my other daughter and Auryns twin." Anthony said

I was shocked i mean the sweet girl who avoided eye contact and smiled at everything was the twin of the girl who had just walked in radiating power who would stare you right in the eyes with a look that could put you 6 feet under. I wondered what had happened in their lives to make them turn out so differently.


I went into the kitchen with the little boy on my hip. I set him down on the kitchen counter.

"Whats your name bubs" I said softly to him.

"Its Tinan" he said looking at me with big green eyes.

"Well I'm your big sister Octavia it's lovely to meet you" I said kissing him on the forhead. He giggled at that and gave me a goofy grin.

"Im happy to meet you to sissy"

"Well do you want anything to eat" I spoke while walking over to the frig

"Can I have some strawberries" he said nervously

"Of course you can bubs"

I took out the strawberries a knife and a chopping border and began to cut them up. As I was doing so people began to enter the kitchen.


we all walked into the kitchen to see Tinan on the counter stuffing his face with strawberries while Octavia cut them up for him.

"Octavia I missed you" Auryn said walking up to her twin and hugging her. Octavia looked uncomfortable but didn't let Auryn see it. Auryn pulled away and smiled at her twin while Octavia just nodded at her.

"Octavia these are your brothers"
The boys all smiled at her and began to introduce themselves.

"Im lucas"

"Im Matteo"

"Im Aiden"

"Im Hunter"

"Im Roman"

"And this is Nicholas Romano and his sons Elijah and Branden" I said

I didn't miss Elijah looking her up and down but she seemed to notice it aswell but when his eyes finally met her she just smirked, raised and eyebrow and looked away not giving him a second glance. To say I was pleased by that would be an understatement.

She turned back to the boys and nodded "its nice to meet you all"


My other sister was finally here and she was nothing like I expected she wasn't the giggly and bubbly, shy little girl i used to know. Now she seemed to be the defention of confidence and her face completely blank of any emotion.


Octavia didn't smile back at me like Auryn did but she did seem like a badass since she didn't look away when she looked at father instead she glared at him when we were in the room and she saw Tinan. I in awe of her no one ever glared at my dad everyone was always to scared.


I couldn't stop thinking about what Matteo had said to me at dinner 'are you part of this family'. My whole life i had felt like an outsider in my family. when Auryn came i didn't bother getting close to her because when she settled down here she would just start treating me like the others did and I didn't want to break my heart anymore. Its not that they treat me badly its just that they don't notice me they don't even remember my birthday I feel like a stranger to the the people I have grown up around and feel so alone in this house. I don't know how I feel about Octavia being here I thought I would just keep my distance like I did with Auryn, but when her eyes met mine it was like she could see straight through my act and read all of my emotions and her eyes had a look of something i think that may have been understanding.

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