chapter 5

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I was stepping out of the car with Auryn, Hunter, Matteo, and Aiden behind me. Roman had said he didn't want to come i was quite annoyed about the fact that he hasn't tried to get to know her and has been acting coldly towards her. I noticed boys sending looks Auryns way and glared at everyone of them, my brothers doing the same thing. Auryn didn't seem to noticed and was just looking around. She was adorable oblivious and innocent. I knew that I would protect her from the harsh reality of this world and would do the same for Octavia.

"Okay so where do you want to go first" I said turning to my siblings

"Well i don't really need that much" Auryn said quietly

"Nonsene you need lots of things starting with a dress for the dinner tonight"

We made are way to a dress shop i had gone with hunter and matteo and lucas and Aidan had said they had some of their own stuff to get.

Hunter running through all the clothes racks and grabbing random ones and shoving them in my face telling me try them on. Matteo was just sitting down watching in amusement. After an hour of trying on dresses we finally decided one.

We spent the next 2 hours going around to all the shops the boys grabbed anything I looked at regardless of how much I protested. We were laden down with bags by the time we finally got to the food court where we had agreed to meet lucas and Aiden.

"Hi how have you been getting on" lucas said greeting me as I walked up to their table.

"Well these two just kept buying me stuff that was unnecessary" I said gesture to the boys beside me

Lucas just chucked and pulled out a seat for me to sit down.

Matteo, Aiden and Hunter went of to get us food.

"sorellina the only their doing it is because they missed so much time with you and want to show you just how much they love you. Because we do really love you and hope you'll be happy with us." Lucas said
I smiled at him "i love you all to"
He leaned forward pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my forhead.

"RUN!" hunter screamed running towards us with Matteo and Aiden. behind them they had security guards right behind them. Lucas sprang up quickly grabbed the bags and my hand and started to drag me towards the exit.
We sprinted as fast as we could to the car flinging open the door and diving in all on top of eachother. Lucas didn't even wait until we were all seated before speeding of. The drink Hunter was holding along with Hunter flew back towards Aiden. The drink spilling all over him and hunter bursting out in laughter with the rest of us.staring at Aiden who had a murderous expression and strawberry milkshake dripping down his face.
"You little shit" Aiden said springing forward for Hunter.
"Oh no you don't" matteo said grabbing the back of Aidens shirt and pulling him back into his seat.

"Any of you want to tell me why security was chasing you" lucas said looking at the three boys.
No one said anything
"Well be like that about it then" he said sighing.

We got back to the house and saw dad waiting in the hallways with Adrian and Stephanie.

He smiled but it quickly dropped when he saw the state of us.
"What happend" he said in a demanding voice
Lucas began to describe what happend from his and my point of view

My father then turned to the other three "so why were security chasing you"
All three suddenly found their shoes very interesting.
Dad just scoffed "we'll talk about this later go get ready for dinner"

"Are you just going to let them get away with that your daughter clearly need to learn that this behaviour isn't allowed" Stephanie said looking at him.
"I said we'll talk about it later" father said and strode off.

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