chapter 2

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I was sitting in my office working when my dad got a call.
"Yes this is he" he said picking up the phone.
"Yes definately thankyou" his whole attitude seemed to change and his face broke out into a smile.
Inside I was freaking out because my dad bearly smiles and when he does its always more of a creepy smile that he shows his enemy's.
"Your sisters are coming home!" he exclaimed turning to me.
"WHAT!" I shouted nearly jumping out of my chair.
"I just got a call from social services in London and apparently Caroline(thats his exwife and the twins mum) and her husband died in a car accident this morning. And the call was asking if I wanted to take custody of them"
"Omg my little sisters are coming home" I said back after processing the information. I'm not that bothered by the fact that my mum has passed since she stopped being my mum the moment she decided to split my family up.
"Go and tell your brothers we will be going to pick them up now" my father said leaving the room.

I walked down stairs yelling for all my brothers to come down.
"Boys family meeting now!"
I sounded like a stampede was coming down the stairs.
"Argh what is it I was i the middle of playing COD" matteo grumbled
Aiden scoffed " its not like you were going to win anyways"
"How would you know you never play with me" matteo retorted
"Maybe thats because I like a challenge" Aiden said with a smirk
"ENOUGH" I yelled before this desended into a full blown bickering match.
" I have some news to share with you" I said trying to keep myself calm in anticipation for their reactions.
"Your sisters are coming home"
Everyone seemed to freeze at those words.

Lucas was the first to break the silence "my babys are coming home" he yelled breaking out into a smile

"When are they coming" matteo said

" eeee I'm getting to have little sisters" huner said smiling like a mad man.

"What happened how did you find them" aiden said looking at me

"What are they like i don't really remember them" hunter said

"Well to anwser your question aiden, their mother and stepfather passed so dad got a call saying if he wants custody which of course he said yes to" I said looking at the boys we don't refer to Caroline as are mother but as the octavia and Auryn grew up with her im sure they think of her as their mother.
"And me and dad are going to get them now. They live in London so were flying out to get them" I said
"And to anwser your question hunter Auryn is the older twin she was always kind and nice and Octavia is the younger twin she was always shy and sweet" I said
Hunter seemed pleased by my anwsers a smiled brightly at me. All the boys were smiling except for Roman who hadn't spoken yet. He had a blank face on but his eyes seemed to have a spark of hope in them. I frowned looking away from him wondering why he isn't excited for are sisters return.
"I leaving we'll be back soon and make sure to be welcoming when we do return but don't bombard them to much they just lost their mother and stepfather" I said speaking to the boys sternly. I got a grumble of yes' from the boys as they all walked of.

Arriving at the girls school in England i noticed a black motorbike in the parking lot thinking nothing of it i kept walking.
I walked into the principles office with my father.
"Hello I'm Mr blaze" my father said looking at the man.
"Yes hello I'm Mr Lenn the headmaster. Ill call the girls now" he said smiling
" so what are their school records like" I said looking at him
"Well Aurny is about average ability in her academics and is a cheerleader here she is extremely well behaved and good mannerd" he said smiling
"Ocatvia is way above average in her academics and i are brightest student which is surprising since sh-" Mr Leon was cut of by a knock on the door. I wonder what he was going to say about octavia
"Come in" he said
A girl of the age 16 walked in the door I immediately knew it was Auryn she had light brown, green eyes a tanned skin. She looked about 5'6 and was dressed in a light yellow dressed in a pale sweater and a skirt. She was just how I imagined her.

She smiled brightly at all of us as she walked in

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She smiled brightly at all of us as she walked in.
"Hello" she said sweetly
"Auryn please take a seat" Mr lenn
She looked worried for a second but did as she was told
"We just need to wait for Octavia to start" Mr lenn said

I was beginning to get impatient we'd been waiting here for 20 minutes and Mr Lenn had called Ocatvia twice but she hadn't come just when I was about to say something the door flew open and a girl about 5'7 with dark almost black hair strutted in. She didn't seem to notice us and walked up to his desk.
"Hey Gary" she said
"How many times have I told you to knock and to call me Mr lenn" he said rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Yeh yeah I know Gary" she replied
I was shocked about how casual she was being and how cold her face was she hadn't shown any emotion since she walked in.
"Look if this is about molly Bradshaw's broken nose or the dinner lady incident or the boys locker room showers I had nothing to do with any of it" Ocatavia said
Mr lenn scoffed looking at her amused "I have footage of you punching miss Bradshaw in the face, even though I'm sure you had a reason and as for the other two that's not important right now. Please take a seat we have something to talk about" he said
I was shocked my little sister got in a fight and broke a girls nose to be honest I was slightly proud but she wasn't how I remembered. I'm sure she had a reason though so I didn't think much of it.

Octavia made her way over and sat beside Auryn.
"Well.." Ocatavia said look at Mr lenn
"Girls im very sorry to inform you that your mother and stepfather were in a car accident earlier this morning and neither of them made it.
Auryn burst into tears and it really was a heartbreaking sight whereas Ocatvia seemed to have no emotion at all her face was stone cold and her eyes held no emotions. She put her arm around Auryn who cried into her neck.
"What happens now" Octavia said bluntly. I could tell everyone was taken aback by her lack of reaction to the news.

"Well you can go and say goodbye to your friends then we'll go to your house and pack your things" my dad said
Octavia stood up with Auryn still clinging to her and crying and they both walked out.

Me and my father were standing in the car park waiting. Auryn was standing with a group of girls who were all crying and hugging. When she noticed us she started to make her way over.
"Hi" she said looking at us with a small smile
"Hi sweetheart we'll get going as soon as octavia comes out do you know where she is?" My dad said looking at her with a soft look in his eyes.

"I'm not sure i don't really know who her friends are" Auryn replied
That made me frown what does she mean she doesn't know who her friends are?

"Hey" Ocatavia said as she walked out of the building
"Okay so I'm not going to be able to come with you for atleast a day but send me your address and I'll follow you out" she said

"What do you mean your not going to be able to" I said

"I have some things I need to finish up here" she said simply
"Anyways Auryn do you want to go with them now or you do you want to stay back with me for a day or two?" Octavia said turning to her twin.

"I'll go with them now" she said smiling lightly.

"OK. Ill pack up your stuff at the house and leave it out for you" "see you in a few days" she said leaving no room for argument as she turned around and walked away.

She walked over to the bike id seen this morning swung her leg on and drove off.
I couldn't help but wonder what she had to do and why she was so cold towards all of us. She definately wasn't the shy girl I used to know.

Okay that chapter 2
Proud of myself with that one as I wrote 1507 words.

Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy urself
Keep smiling x

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