chapter 8

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Octavia's pov:

I looked at the clock and saw it was 5.00 am. I got out of bed placing a pillow under tinan where I had been. I had spent the whole night thinking about what tinan had said and I knew I would keep my promise to him and that I would love him with all I have.

I went to my closest and got some gym clothes. Changing in the bathroom my eyes caught on the trail of ink on my hip. Ryan

We were 14 and had decided to get eachothers names tattooed on eachother he had my name tattooed on the top part of the right side of his chest. We had sat on the beach all night after getting it and he had just ran his hand over my skin tracing his name all night saying one phrase the whole night "your mine for as long as we live" he picked my hand up and placed it on his chest where my name was "and I'm yours"

God i miss him so much its been 18 months since I last saw his face. Since I got to stand in his embrace. Since I got to look into his intoxicating eyes that seem to burn me up inside. 18 months since I felt his touch that seemed to shoot electricity in every place he so much as grazed. I remember the day he left so clearly. I don't know how long he's going to be, but I'll wait for however long it takes because their is no one else in this world I want.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Tinans little figure curled up in my bed I smiled lightly at the sight while walking out of the door softly trying not to wake him.

I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I stood by the counter just looking out the window at how peaceful it looked here how pretty it was you'd think it was a place where angles rested. I have always been fascinated by the fact that the even the cruelest things can look innocent . I had realised my family were the Italian mafia from the moment i had seen their faces. Of course i hadn't said anything you don't show your hand until you've won the game. Whether they are my family or my enemy that rule applies to everyone.

left out of the front door then and started to run.

I had been running for 2 hours but I couldn't stop. My lungs felt like they were on fire and my legs ached but still I couldn't stop. I needed to feel it the pain I needed to remind myself that I was still alive that I was still human and the pain was that reminder.

I lent over and emptied the contents of my already stomach onto the woodland floor. I stayed their for a moment gasping for air then I straight end up and tried to ignore the burning sensation in my throught. I had been running for four hours and felt like my body was about to collapse but I didn't care. I started to run again pushing through the pain. Ignoring the shock of pain that was sent up my leg everytime my foot met with the floor. Because maybe if I ran long enough I would be able to get away from it all. Maybe if I ran long enough I would be able to escape. Maybe if I ran long enough the past would stop catching me. Maybe if I ran long enough the it would get tierd and let me go. I stopped running and just sat down right their in the middle of woods. All I could think about was that no matter how fast I ran I would never be able to outrun my own mind. I stood up of the floor and began to make my way back to the house.

Walking in the front door I could hear yelling.

"Well find her"
"Only a day we've had her back"

I walked into the room to see all my brothers, Auryn and dad were present . None of them noticed me so I just walked over to sink and began to get myself a glass of water. I looked up noticing they had all gone silent. They were all looking at me like I was insane. I just raised an eyebrow at them in question.

"Where the hell have you been" Matteo yelled

"On a run" I replied simply

Tinan wadled over to me with a big smile.
"Up" he said clapping his hands.

I lent down and picked him up putting him on my waist. He put his hands either side of my face and kissed my nose.

"Your sweaty"he said giggling

I just stuck my tongue out at him in response. I turned back to my family with my cold facade back on they were all staring at me and Tinan with a look of shock on their faces.
My dad seemed to come to his sense first.

"U were on a run?" He questioned

"Yes is that a problem" I said looking him directly in his eyes.

"No but no one knew where you were and we've all been worried. Did you not think to inform us of the fact that you were going out."

"Well I would've but I got up early and didn't want to disturb anyone."

"What time did you leave" Adrian said

"5 am" I said blankly

"why would you do that" hunter said gasping in mock horror.

Everyone looked at hunter in amusement

"Next time you leave inform us" my dad said ending the conversation

I just nodded

I lifted Tinan of my waist and onto my shoulders making my way towards the fridge.

"What do u want" I said tickling his feet causing him to giggle and squirm.

"Strawberrysss" he said excitedly

I don't know what this boys obsession with strawberrys was but I didn't mind.
I cut them up and in to two bowls and handed him one of the bowls. He rested it on top of my head in content.

"What is that thing doing with my son" a voice screeched from the doorway to the room.


So sorry i haven't been updating the past few days I'll be updating more now x

Hope you have a lovely day or night and keep your head up.
I'm gonna start putting my faviroute book quotes at the end of chapter if I think it fits the chapter.

Quote for this chapter:
"Some people are like glass, sometimes its better to leave it broken, than to hurt yourself trying to put them back together."

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