chapter 10

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Octavia's pov:

It had been 2 weeks since I had been here. Emily, Michael and Lewis were sleeping while I was just sitting beside Ryan In silence. When I first got here he hadn't spoken to me. We barely spoke but we seemed to understand each other. The door to our cell opened and me and Ryan stood up quickly putting ourselves between the man in the doorway and the three sleeping on the floor.
"Your coming with me" the man snarled looking at me
Ryan went to stand infront of me but I subtly shook my head at him because in the end the man would take me anyway and all we would achieve by putting up a fight was being more hurt than we already were. I looked a the three sleeping on the floor then back at Ryan he seemed to understand exactly what I meant. They didn't need to be awake for this I didn't want them to see me being taken out it would only cause them unessecary pain. Ryan still wouldn't move and put himself between me and the man. The man walked over to us and grabbed Ryan and hit his across the face yet still he didn't move. This just made him More angry and grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head against the wall. His body crumbled to the ground I was about to run to him when the man grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room then walked me down stairs into another cell. He threw me inside and shut the door behind us.
He gave me a sinister smile and began to come closer. I turned away trying to run. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and flipped it open. In one swift movement he lashed out and I let a piercing scream out. I could feel the sticky substance dripping down my back. He grabbed onto my hair yanking my head back. The pain coming from my back seemed to be the only thing in the world as he dragged the knife over my shoulder blades back and forth spliting the skin. The cold blade left a trail of red in its wake marking my skin. He turned me over then so I was lying on my front underneath him. He clamped his lips ontop of mine. Making me want to throw up and I struggled under his weight trying to get him of off me. He began to drag his hands down my body. Pulling of my clothes leaving me bare.
"Please stop" I screamed
Hot tears ran down my face his grimy hands running over my body seeming to burn every place they touched. He pulled of his clothes and lower himself over my body.
"No no please"

He pushed himself into me and my 10 year old self squeezed her eyes shut letting out whimpers. The tears kept running, my whole body was shaking and all I could do was lay there.

He eventually stopped and got of me smirking down at my small broken figure. The door opened and another man walked in. His eyes took in my body and the blood around me.

"Im going to get the other girl this one looks half dead" he voice came out deep and made me want to curl in on myself.

I was speaking before I could even register what I was saying
"No no don't"

He let out a chuckle "and why not"

"Because you can have me instead. Just don't touch her" my voice came out shakily

He just had a violent look in his eyes that soon turned into amusement

"Well if you want me so badly who am I to refuse" he said making his way over. The other man left the room sending me a smirk on his way out.

The man walked over to me and I couldn't help pulling my legs into my body and scrambling back against the wall.

"Such a pretty little girl" he said getting closer.

He moved quickly grabbing my foot and dragging me towards him I let out a scream as my bare back scraped against the gagged cold floor scraping the skin away and tearing my already sliced wounds wider.
He began to undress and I silently begged to be anywhere but here. But alas my pleease fell on deaf ears and reality was the only thing I would be experiencing. The cold bitter reality that had become my life. A reality where I became a shell of a human a doll for monsters to use whenever they wanted pleasure. A young girl who felt disgusted with herself who wanted to scrub her skin of every place they had touched.

I felt him push himself inside me then but I didn't make a noise. Because that's what he wanted. he wanted to hear my pain he took pleasure in it and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He had said I looked half dead right? So that's exactly what i would be. My silence was the only power i had the only control i had over my own body. My tears stopped coming then. They were all used up. I hated every second of this but then I thought of Emily. She was my age, Auryns age and I knew if had been Auryn I would have done this. I felt the same need to protect her that I did Auryn. I could give this part of myself away if it meant she could keep it. If it meant she could feel slightly less hollow than I was feeling right now. If it meant that she would be able to lie in her own skin and not want to peel it of. If it meant that her dreams wouldn't be plagued with moments like these for as long as she lived.

I heard banging then and the sound of gunshots. The man on my quickly got up and started to pull his clothes on frantically. I didn't know what was happening but I understood this was an opportunity one that might not come again. I looked at his gun that was lying on the floor and he had yet to pick up. He was in such a hurry he hadn't been taking notice of me. I streched out my arm wrapping my fingers around the gun and picking it up. I stood up on my shaky legs and raised the gun at the man.

He turned around then and took a look at me then let out a sickening laugh

"You can't do it" he said looking at me with a taunting smile.

I looked him in the eye and thought about it. Pulling this trigger meant getting a chance to getting to my friends. It meant getting a chance of us getting out of here. Pulling this trigger meant loosing another part of my innocence. But I would do it because there wasn't a part of me I wouldn't give up If it meant those I cared about being safe. If it meant I had to give up the last scrap of innocence I had then so be it. If it meant turning my soul black and becoming a murder then I would.

I would because the only way to beat a monster was to become one yourself. A monster way worse.

I looked at the man again and his body went tense as he saw the look in my eyes because he new that the face of the young 10 year old girl infront of him would be the last on he would ever see.

And with that I pulled the trigger .


Hey sorry you had to wait long for this chapter. I just wanted to show you more about Octavias past. I know this chapter is disturbing and I'm sorry.

This chapter also isn't edited so sorry if their any mistakes. I'm just lazy and didn't want to have to go back through it.

I hope you have a nice day or night. Keep smiling your amazing and deserve the world. X

Quote for this chapter:
Only you can decide what breaks you - acotar

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