Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

I made my way into the academy with Cordelia, carrying the bags up the stairs into my room. The room started to look more alive. Once all the bags were in my room, I looked at Cordelia, slightly sweat now finally breaking out of her on her forehead. She was a sight to say in the least. Her hand reached out for a high five which I smacked back and she giggled looking at the room with an accomplished grin on her face. "Do you need any help with putting stuff in places?" she asked looking worn out. I answered whilst wiping my face with my hoodie sleeve, "no thanks, you've done enough, I am so grateful, thank you Cordelia." A smirk appeared on her lips looking relieved. "Right well dinner would be home made but I haven't the time today so I'll call a takeaway for 8PM" she said and immediately left. The pile of bags in front of me, taunted me but I had to get it done. I stacked all my clothes away in the wardrobe and chest of drawers and then just started adding random things I had around the room. I placed my laptop and Xbox on the desk with some books.
After about 1 hour I was finally done and as I sat down for some rest that's when I heard Cordelia yell down the halls that the takeaway was here. I would usually be ecstatic but from all the moving today I was quite literally shattered.

As we all ate dinner, some girls made up some conversations but I sat there quietly. Cordelia watched me the whole meal as I sat nervously around everyone. I contributed a few times, but there wasn't much to say until Madison sparked the conversation with me. Everyone had heard that Madison was a bitch, but I felt as if she was misunderstood. "So how did you end up in this shit hole?" she asked whilst ripping the crust of her pizza and eating it. I wasn't usually nervous, but sat in front of new people and the hottest women alive (aka Cordelia) I felt like just crawling up into a ball and hiding. "Um, I may have thrown a vase at my mums head, I promise I'm not usually violent" I chuckled awkwardly. Madison smirked and seemed impressed. "That will come in handy if you're on my side in arguments" she stated. All the girls laughed. "What about you? How did you end up here?" I asked her with sudden confidence. "Let's just say a light fell on someone's head who may or may not have annoyed me" she stated smiling slightly probably remembering the experience, because she's that type of girl. Queenie suddenly piped up "Yeah girl, we all did something out of rage or some extreme emotion, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. In my case, deep frying someone's hand". I laughed a bit and choked slightly on my water at the comment. Cordelia gave Queenie an unimpressed look, but we all laughed. My eyes kept on flickering back and forth the whole evening on Cordelia and her reactions so I could find out the type of person she is and know what to say to try and impress her. I just wanted her to like me.

Dinner had ended after about 2 hours of everyone constantly chatting and catching up and I was more than exhausted. However, did tiredness ever stop a girl from having a concert in the shower? no. I started to play "Silver Springs" as I showered quickly, I quietly sung, but not too loud because let's just say I'm not Beyoncé. I brushed my hair and unlocked both doors so I could get out and Cordelia could get in if she needed. I grabbed my phone and made my way to the bed. Grabbing some pyjamas, some black silk shorts and a black silk shirt to match. I hopped into bed and got under the covers with a huge smirk on my face. New room, clean sheets, clean pyjamas and freshly washed, literally the best feeling. Just as my eyelids were closing to fall into deep slumber, someone just had to knock and ruin my moment. I got up and opened the door. It was Cordelia. Her smile caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach and a smile to appear on my face too. I couldn't see her pyjamas but she stood there wrapped in a white silk robe. She glanced down at my body for a moment and then looked back up at me once I started the conversation. "Hey" I sleepily said. "Hey, sorry if I interrupted anything. I just wanted to let you know if you need anything at all then just come to my room, okay?" she asked. "Yeah, thank you Cordelia. Words can't explain my gratitude at all" I replied slightly yawning. "It's okay sweetheart. I'm going to sleep now so good night" she gently whispered and left. When she calls me sweetheart it makes my knees go weak, a smile now was stuck on my face. I got out of my trance staring at where she was stood and closed the door. I leapt back into bed and fell instantly into sleep with the smirk still plastered across my face.

I suddenly woke up and looked at the time. 4am the alarm clock read. My head sweaty and my stomach tensed. I giggled slightly at my own dream. It was Cordelia, her hands roaming my body and mine roaming hers. Her soft lips against mine. But I woke up before it got too heated (unfortunately). I shook my head slightly and fell back to sleep, dreaming of the sweet Cordelia.

// Okay so what do we think about this chapter? It is quite short but more to come! I'm trying to get y/n and Cordelia together, but not too quickly cos you know it's all about the suspense \\

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